Deadline looms! Jawaballs Painting Contest is almost over.

Ok folks, it is now crunch time. I have gotten 16 entries so far but I know most of you will probably wait until the last second to submit yours. Remember, pictures must be received by 8pm EST on Friday October 9th. I also want to remind you that there are now TWO terminator box sets up for grabs thanks to Mathew's generous offer over at! The top ten entries will receive something! Be sure to check out their site and forum to show your appreciation and support.

Again your entry should include 3 dated Work in Progress pictures chronicling the painting of your model. It should also include 3 finished pictures from 3 different angles so I can get a good look at your work. Make your pictures HIGH RESOLUTION and get your lighting as good as you can. Im looking forward to getting these all posted for you to see! Once I get the entries, I will work on posting the pictures. Then I will announce the winners some where around the end of October. It will no doubt take me some time to go over the entries.

Best of luck every one!

More to come.


Drew K said...

Chris receantly i have been looking i have been looking through some how to paint space wolves articles and some use this painting term keeps showing up well the term is soft body wash and i figured you would know what it means because you know your an awesome painter

Jawaballs said...

Not sure what it is. The thing is that terminology can have different meanings based on who you are talking to. Leme look into it.

MIK said...

Taking a break from painting a Power Sword on my entry as we speak...

Will Wright said...

Please post all the pics for the entries by 8:05 est oct 9th,Jawa.

I cannot wait to see all the entries.
16 is not too shabby

Servo said...

Did you receive my entry?

Faolain said...

Looking forward to seeing the results. Can you please post a listing of the names of those entries you've received? I'd like to know for sure if you got mine.

Jawaballs said...

Guys Im not gona post up every time I receive an entry. However, some one did send an entry to the wrong email address and he is lucky I found it, I get hundreds of emails a day on that one and it was already a couple of pages in. If you did not send your entry to my jawaballs yahoo address, I cannot promise I will get it. As I go through them I will send a response saying received. But I wont even start that until after the 9th.

I did receive my package from Miniwargaming today! Got terminators in hand.

Dodge said...

ah dammit forgot about this. Damm work getting in the way!

Craig said...

Hey Jawa, Ive been picking at mine since the comp opened, Im still not finished but got a whole day to work on it today!
Main body done.. shield and thunderhammer about to go under the brush... can you guess which HULK of a model Im doing???

Black Matt said...

Does it have to be the whole terminator or can it be just pieces?

Jawaballs said...

No man paint a whole one!

Flekkzo said...

Either way I actually have sent my entry in. Go nuts Mr. Balls, you've got a competition to mull over :)

Only problem is now I've got a BA terminator I can't use. Guess it is time to get a showcase:)

Jawaballs said...

Hmm, just woke up, Ive been out cold... I had surgery today to fix my deviated septum so I stop snoring. :) Now to check my jawaballs account to see how many entries i got! Ahh only 27. Oh well, looks like almost half of you will be getting loot! I will get to work posting stuff up as soon as I can! Check back.

Flekkzo said...

Congrats to the successful surgery! Now you have plenty to enterain yourself with all those entries. :)

Jawaballs said...

Dr. said not to make any major decisions while on my drugs. I think this qualifies. :)

Flekkzo said...

First, can I have some of those drugs? Sounds good to me:) And second, go ahead, make decisions, I am sure that I will benefit even though I am sure all the pictures look like rainbow marines:)

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Michael said...

gah! I'm on pins and needles over this thing. It's hard to get out of your own "little pond" and jump into the big sea of terrific painters.

I'd be anxious also to see if my entry made it in. I haven't seen a confirmation email yet.

anyways, im dying to see the other entries.

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