I decided. My mechanicon list, provided that I can get the models ready by Friday.
Tactical squad x10
power weapon
extra armor
tactical squad x10
death co x2
jump packs
furioso dread
death company
heavy flamer
drop pod
furioso dread
deato co
heavy flamer
drop pod
Attack bike x2
multi melta
Attack bike x2
multi melta
Attack bike x2
multi melta
Baal Pred
heavy bolters
storm bolter
extra armor
Baal Pred
heavy bolters
storm bolter
extra armor
Baal Pred
heavy bolters
storm bolter
extra armor
The obvious weakness of my list is fragile troop squads, but when you think about it, my list before had 3 troops choices, 2 of which were 5 man assault squads. I can combat squad a tactical, and have the same number of troops as before. But with this list, I get a stronger assault presence, and dreads in pods are two big fat bricks in the face. Cutting Dante shaved 200 points off the list that I was able to spend on a second dread. Why? Well, as good as Dante is, I found him serving the role of decoy too often. Plus, he still had to charge through open terrain to get into grips, and often found himself snipped by las cannons.
Maybe I just needed a nice change. At any rate, here you go. My plan? The tacticals CS. 2 squads with Lascannons stay back, hold objectives and shoot the las. The other two with melta and MW mount up and charge out to take objectives. Drop pods land near objectives I want to take, or near targets of opportunity and mess it up. Corbs jumps in with one of the squads to catch a ride. 2 DC with jump packs file in behind that rhino, using it to block LoS and lend a hand in assault. 3 Baal Preds do their dakka thing while the 3 squads of 2 bikes hide and seek and kill.
Wish me luck!
with only two scoring units, are you planning to hold them in reserve to help with surviabilty?
Three Baals. I like. I approve. I rejoice. I like the list, it looks like fun and like you have a decent amount of choices to make every turn.
Thought: would razorbacks (+5 points/transport) make sense? Other than that you have your tacticals pretty much like I do:) Just wish I could get hold of meltaguns.
And again, good luck! For the emperor!
Flek, Razorbacks do not have over charged engines, otherwise, yes, Id make room for them in the list. Junkie, I will be combat squading them. And I will probably be reserving at least one CS in a rhino. Depends on mission. It wont be much different from my list before this, with two 5 man RAS in rhinos and one 10 man Tactical in rhino, only one less rhino. In return, I get another las cannon shooting from the back lines instead of a RAS getting popped out of its transport in open terrain and gunned down.
Drats, foiled again by differences in codex! But let me tell you all, those souped up engines sounds oh so nice. Wroom wroom for the emperor!
Oh and the nice weapons on the razorbacks are expensive, but I am curious how three assault cannons will do (2 x razorback, 1 x land raider). Should soften up the oncomming clash:)
hey when are you guys getting there friday right what time maybe i can finally destroy you
just wondering Jawa what are you gonna do w/ the other drop pods if your not putting your tac squads in them? lol I'm sad your saying good bye to your assault squads (;
What is Corbulo's role in this list since it isn't as assaulty as your previous ones? I really liked Corbulo+DC in a rhino, I think it's the most effective way to get him across the table to use his ability.
Once I got over the shock of you leaving Dante out, I realized this was a surprisingly effective build.
Good luck - take lots of pics.
I think Corbulo is a questionable HQ choice and tactical combat squads are too soft to hold objectives reliably. I wouldn't combat squad them at all, and park them on objectives, Possibly take Missile Launchers or Multi-Meltas instead of Lascannons.. As for an HQ I'd almost definitely take a vanilla Chaplain with this list.. But my lists are never anything like yours so I hope this works for you!
That list is fun, but risky. With no assault forces except those two DC guys and the Furiosos (which won't be near the Corb/Dante bubble anyway if placed correctly), Dante has lost it's punch. But so has Corbulo. In a shooty-oriented army, he is not worth his 100 points in my opinion.
Here in germany, 95% of all tournaments disallow named characters, so I don't have to choose wether taking Dante/Corbulo or not. Lately I have made good use of the librarian, especially with Imps, Eldar and now Space Wolves all around.
Imagine, against a jetbike seercouncil you have just one round of shooting, afterwards you have nothing in your army that stands a chance against it in cc (the same with nobbikers or thunderwolves). A hard-hitting cc-unit (9-man DC with chaplain in rhino - won me games more than once) can help, or a nicely rolled psi-hood when the enemy has to rely on his psi powers to win the day.
Please keep us informed how well this list fares in your testgames!
I think that the idea of disallowing a model because it is a named character is unfortunate. They were added for a reason and leaves the game poorer without them.
That said, have you considered other HQ options? Got a plan or did you go with what you know?
Corbs is 100 points. I can take a generic chaplain, who is better in every way, except two. Giving furious charge to every thing within 12" is key. I know, I dont have much for assault power, but all the more reason for them to get FC! Plus Corbs can heal two models a turn.
If I can get those pods to come down where I need them, and get the Dreads within 12 of Corbs... 7 dread attacks on initiative 5 is unequaled.
As for missle launchers over Las cannons, no way. The Str 9 is worth the extra 10 points. Multi Melta would be nice, but I dont plan on getting these heavies any where near tanks. I will use the Lascannons to swat speeders and valkries.
There are some risks, but if your dice behave you will have some great batreps. Please, remember the vid camera and take plenty of pictures!
Have fun!
I'm also really anxious to see how this army performs on the table. I like the triple Baals, that should be lots of dakka.
Glad you trimmed the PF's.
Looks like a good list to me. Some good anti-tank, decent anti-light armor in the preds.
Good luck Jawa!
Agree 100% with Jawaballs' assessment of Corbulo. He is easily the best HQ for his cost, but I'm also concerned with combat squadding a tac squad just to give him a ride.
Yah, for 100 points, corbs is the best investment. If only he had a PW he would rock.
As for my 5 man squads, I normally roll with only 5 man squads in my rhinos. I feel pretty confident that they wont be a problem. I normally do fairly well. Besides, it will be a matter of circumstance. I may just stick with 10 men if I can,. Wish me luck!
can you make a schort video whith your new models in your list pls?
I will get a new army vid on Thurs
Looks like a great list to fight Mechanized and Elite enemy lists. Should you face Ork or Tyranid hordes, I expect problems, but that's almost a given for Mech Marines.
Love the MM Bikes for vehicle erasing duties.
This is my anti mech army. I love the bikes too. I'm not too afraid of hordes. Furioso dreads with their heavy flamer then crazy attacks on the charge work wonders, and 36 shots a round from baal preds mow down hordes, cover saves or no. Melta bikes are supprisingly effective against infantry too. 6 bikes, 3 shots per bike... not too shabby for tank killers.
Awesome websight, tons of great stuff to read, keep up the good work!
Pretty min/maxie. Only two troop choices even with the combat squad rule would cost you in the tournament missions we seem to have up here which are usually not by the book and often make things a lot of competative and interesting, even for us suboptimal players.
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