New assault marines.

New Jawa army.

So the first of 40 new assault marines has taken the battle field.

Better pic

Now the question is, can I paint 40 new marines before Nova?

My hand screams at the thought.  


For the emperor. 



Khornatedemon said...

Is that still using the dragon red, blood red blending, orange highlight method? A whole army like that will look sick.

Jawaballs said...

You got it. I will take a better pic tomorrow when I shoot the rest of the Heroes stuff.

Michael Hogan said...

I really like that model! Are you buying entire boxes for all these bits or are you trading/tearing apart old models?

Also, I'm sure you've mentioned this, but are you going to drill out your bolt pistol holes? Sorry if you have covered this previously, just trying to suggest things.

Khornatedemon said...

been playing around with the same concept but my nooby skills cant get the blending to look right.

Jawaballs said...

I added a clearer pic. Yes I will be drilling the holes. And yes, I will be buying all new, well after I tear into my massive bits box. I figure I have at least a ten man squad worth of San Guard sitting around. I am dipping into the coffers a bit, but one nice banner commission will cover it. Any one want a banner? :)

Jawaballs said...

Oh, and I added about a 30% mixture of Glaze Medium to my red and orange. I took my used pots that were about half gone, and brought their levels up close to full with glaze medium from vallejo then mixed it up good. Now I can paint out of the pot and no one can hate on me for it. :)

Michael Hogan said...

Wow. That extra picture really added a lot. Beautiful painting, especially on the legs. I didn't mean to sound critical with the bolter drilling, was just curious. =)

I know you aren't 100% done with them, but what color are you thinking for the jump pack frame, where the "wings" attach? Are you keeping them black or another color. I do like them as black, but I wasn't sure if you were thinking about adding a tertiary color to the model.

Jawaballs said...

I think i will keep it black, like my lemarte for the heroes project. Thanks for the input!

Dalinair said...

Love it, amazing paint job, i was going to do my vanguard vets with these packs never considered the whole DOA army to have them! big task ahead for you! Makes me think I do my highlighting way too subtley as they really dont stand out like yours and it shows with how good they look.

Anonymous said...

Which company are the 40 assaualt marines from ? as it is only the 8th company that has more then two RAS squads in them ?

I kinda like if the wings are all white, like the primarchs wings ;), I kinda think of wings needs to have the same colour like birds mostly have.

Jawaballs said...

I'm actually doing a mix of companies, 1st, 2nd and 5th. According to the codex, they often cobble together elements of different companies to create strike forces. I have my terminators from 1st company, and the assault squad from the other two. :)

Mike Brandt; mvbrandt@gmail said...

Well that's gorgeous.

Jawaballs said...

Thanks Mike, that means a lot. Got 2 down and 38 to go. :)

Flekkzo said...

The helmet and its paint job (probably just the eyes, the yellow should be metal:)) reminds me of certain warjacks from Privateer Press :)

And on a tangent on what @ahpael brought up, ever thought of giving the tip of each "feather" on the wings just a little different color? Like a grey or a red. Not a thick glob of color but rather a light kinda V shaped tip. Like halfway between a drybrush and normal painting:) Probably just me dreaming up stuff, but what can I say, my imagination beats my painting any day :)

Very nice, in your face, bright colors. Really makes them stand out from guard or wolves. Reminds me of a certain other color standing out *cough*yellow*cough*.

Jawaballs said...

The wings definitely need something. I decided to go back towards a more extreme highlight. An army wins a lot of Best Painted around here with little more than a consistantly painted extreme highlight. Little blending to speak of. It looks great because it's extreme highlights really pop. I decided to go back towards that direction. Having every infantry model painted at the same time, rather than trying to mix in squads painted over 4 years will help too. Most recently I was using models from the first squad I ever painted. They were definitely showing their age and throwing off the unity of the force.

Tim said...

Awesome. I love the s guard wing even though they are tough to paint. I think you could do 38 more of them in 1 month. Yes we can. Heh.

Would be an awesome army to play!

Jawaballs said...

Just about done my Third! Im doing the sgt now drawing upon your own power weapon as unfluence!

Tim said...

Sweet. All you need is hawk turquoise, skull white and a tiny drop of chaos black for that. Citadel paints are the best, because they blend well (Vallejo are a little too opaque). Add in some water and a lot of patience and that's the recipe.

Jawaballs said...

Lacking HT I went with Mordian blue, Ultramarine, Ice then White, mixing them all with about 50/50 Glaze Medium. It came out fairly good.

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