How to paint Rusty Krieg??
0 Comments - 25 Oct 2018
Long time no see! Among the many projects I have been working on, and yes I do still live... are some Krieg. I was inspired to do some Krieg by my friend Ed Miller who was playing a heavy Guard army with Smash Captain Blood Angels and that for some reason tickled my fancy... and my friend John Stiening who has one of the prettiest Krieg armies I...

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0 Comments - 18 Jul 2018
I have so much to show you guys... I've been working so hard!  More soon about my own stuff... But for today I wanted to talk about the Nova Open Charitable Foundation! As most of you who know every year I paint models that are raffled off by NOCF with the proceeds being given away to charity.  Well this year I have to admit we as a fo...

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Ultramaine Dreadnought Giveaway

In celebration of the launch of his new blog, Jim the Stout Smurf from is launching his first give away drawing!  He is giving away the Ultramarines Dreadnought pictured above. This is the first dread he painted and you have my word, it is fantastic.  It is a Black Reach dread with storm bolter and multi melta.  Coming with the base will be a new resin Jawabase that you can paint to match your own army.  What do you have to do to get a chance at winning this bad boy?  Simply become a follower of his blog of course!  Go to his blog, and click on the "follow" button on the right. While you are at it, add him to your blog roll and drop a comment so that he can add you. Let's get him launched in style!  This drawing will be held in two weeks on Thursday, April 7.  We can't do Friday because we will be driving to Princeton, NJ for The Colonial.   It's that simple!  

On the day of the drawing we will assign numbers to every one of his followers, and randomly pick a winner. I will video this process and post it on youtube.  So there you go! Go read his blog, and become a follower! It will be fun to see him progress from 40k noob to competitive GT stomper.  

Yes this contest is available world wide and shipping is free. Just register as a follower and come back to see more!

EDIT: I am adding a set of bases to the prize pool. Two names will be drawn. The first gets choice of a set of my new jawabases, 25mm x10, 40mm x5, biker x5, 60mm x3, or flyer (pick one set), or the Dread with jawa base.  



artstthms said...

cool. i have never blogged, or commented. just read them. i have been reading your site for several months because i love blood angels and the painting inspiration here. and this dreadnought givaway got me to officially follow both your's and stoutsmurf's blogs. curious tho, the date says march 7.... april 7 maybe?

Jawaballs said...

OH my bad, April 7. I was in a hurry. :)

Michael Hogan said...

I really like his painting and blog thus far. Looking forward to see if I can win a Jawabase! The Dreadnought isn't bad, I just don't play Ultramarines. Heh.

Jawaballs said...

I tell you what. We will give away two prizes. A set of my new Jawabases of your choice and the dread. First person drawn gets choice.

Asmodai said...

Hey, Jawa, how does someone go about getting added to your blog roll? I havent found any place to email you, but I might be missing it!

Tordeck said...

Jawa bases in the mix. ooooo, Hope I win :)

Jawaballs said...

Just like that Asmodai! I try to add new blogs as I visit them, but usually I just do a roll call every now and then to get more guys.

Jonny Zor said...

Sweet! I need another Dread and comes w/ a jawa base? Mmmmmmm baconnnnnnn

Bump said...

this is great I love the fact that another ultramarine player is getting up to snuff. All I really play around my area is dark eldar and Tau keep it up and I look forward your next posts. Good Luck.. For the Emperor

Michael Hogan said...

That's a good idea, Jawa. The two drawings. Wouldn't want the Dreadnought to go to waste. It's nice, I just would rather have someone who would use it have it.

knightyc said...

hey dude did the draw happen yet?

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