Yup, here you go. This is the first ever Jawa-Giveaway! In heart felt thanks to the community, Jawaballs Productions, is teaming up with Rogue-Market.com to bring you a sweet give away. First of all, you will be able to pick one of the models in the above picture as your prize from www.jawaballsproductions.com which were hand painted by Jawaballs! Most of the figures in the picture were the actual model painted in all of the How to Paint videos by Jawaballs. The winner will get his choice of one! In addition, my friends over at Rogue-market.com are offering up a matching infantry box set of your choice. You read right! Pick the Deathwing Terminator, and you get a squad of Terminators to go with it! The loot is entirely up to you.
SO, how do you win???? Simple. You need not paint a single thing. You don't have to be good at any thing at all! You need only do a couple of simple registrations.
Register for my blog as a follower. The link is to the top left on my blog. Click the "Follow" button and sign up. It should take you 1 minute and most of you should already be followers already.
Go to www.rogue-market.com and become a registered subscriber on their boards as well. That should take you another minute.
Having subscribed to both of the sites, you need to post on them. Begin here by commenting on this post. In your comment simply write your jawaballs blog name, and your Rogue Market name, as well as which model and box set you desire. Then go back to www.rogue-market.com and find my give away thread over there and do the same thing! Make a comment and write your jawaballs blog name, and your rogue market name, as well as the loot you desire.
Thats it! The lucky winner will be ONE person, who has completed all three tasks. The winner will be decided at the end of May.
Whats the catch? NONE! I am simply trying to endorse a site I believe in beside my own and would like to see my readership go up. Oh, and give a little back to the community. :) So while you are signing up for both sites, hopefully you will stop to look around and see all of the great stuff that is going on.
So there you have it! I will be adding video soon.
The prizes are as follows:
1 Jawaballs painted miniature of your choice from the following list:
Dire Avenger
Deathwing Terminator
Imperial Fist Terminator
Blood Angels Assault Veteran with power sword
Tau Fire Warrior
Kroot guy
Salamander with meltagun
Crimson fist tactical
Dark Angels tactical
Ultramarines sgt with power axe and bolter
Space wolf tactical
Ork Nob
Cadian Guard
1 Infantry box set of your choice up to 35.00 value.
1 Free download of your choice of any "How to Paint" set from www.jawaballsproductions.com
Copy and paste this into your post and use it on both my blog and on Rogue Market. Use this format on BOTH websites.
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: _____________
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: ____________
My Jawaballs Blog name is: _____________
My Rogue Market name is: ______________
Phew, I disabled comment moderation for now. That was getting tedious! :)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 222 Newer› Newest»haha, good deal bro!
Githros on RM, Sam Hurley following you on here. Deathwing Terminator sounds like a good one :D
Capitano here
great idea
and I guess I will actually follow a blog now as jokerjr101
the Space Wolf would work great for me
This give-a-way is a great idea. The best things I hove done since starting back with 40k is joining Rogue Market. Signing up for this site has become the second...if I win...j/k.
Lootz: Tau Crisis Battlesuit Commander
Rogue ID: hisdudeness
Blogger ID: Ryan weber
Hey Ryan, Crisis Suit Commander was not an option. You get your choice of one of my models, and an infantry box set, like my Tau Firewarrior, and a box set of fire warriors. Got it? Be sure to post your desires for both.
Thats what I get for not following directions and reading the entire post. I got to excited
The Fire warriors for both work for me.
I am following the blog as steck (also my name on rouge market)
if I win I would like the deathwing. I could use the termies for a conversion idea and the deathwing guy would make great inspiration above my desk :D
Pointing me to a good site like Rogue Market was worth the time in itself...possibility of free stuff on top is just gravy on the cake...or icing on the turkey...something like that.
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Dire Avenger
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Dire Avengers
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Nick
My Rogue Market name is: Scherdy
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Sgt with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: ____assult marines box set________
My Jawaballs Blog name is: _____martinmartianm________
My Rogue Market name is: ____martianmartinez__________
Awesome deal and a great way to get people to join. I'm Aidan on Rogue-Market. I'm partial to Dark Angel's and a tactical squad.
AKA Your New Fan
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Sgt with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would Like is: GREY KNIGHTS
My Jawaballs Blog name is: PMPNIRON
My Rogue Market name is: BIGPETE
Interesting idea. Love the paintwork
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Space Wolf
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Blood Claws
My Jawaballs Blog name is: mitsucaper (Firebuck)
My Rogue Market name is: Firebuck
rouge market
user: yellowguy
jawaballs name : yellowguy
loot:blood angel assault sgrt
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Crimson Fist Terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Terminator Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Docrailgun
My Rogue Market name is: Docrailgun
Hey Doc, the Crimson Fist is a Tactical marine, the IMperial fist is a terminator.. .which is it that you want?
this is great
i would love that ultra marine
blogger: mr-pyro
rogue: josmash
im the one with a man crush ^-^
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: An' Ork Nob to keep the boyz in place.
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Boyz an' boyz!
My Jawaballs Blog name is: XNthnX
My Rogue Market name is: XNthnX
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: dire avenger_____________
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: _Chaos Space Marines Emperor's Children Noise Marines___________
My Jawaballs Blog name is: _paperclipracer____________
My Rogue Market name is: __paperclipracer____________
JB, I would like to change my entry... this is what I posted to the Rogue Market thread:
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Crimson Fist Terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Scout Squad w/ Sniper rifles
My Jawaballs Blog name is: DOcrailgun
My Rogue Market name is: Docrailgun
JB, I'm an idiot. Yes... Imperial Fist Terminator and a scout squad box. Geez.
blog name: islyfe
RM name: islyfe
Blood Angels Assault Sgt with power sword
Lol Doc... /smack
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: The salmander
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Space marine tactical squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Hahn1800
My Rogue Market name is: Hahn1800
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is:Space Wolves
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Space Wolves
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Zmandini
My Rogue Market name is: Zmandini
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Tau Fire Warrior
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Tau Fire Warrior Box Set
My Jawaballs Blog name is: FortyTWO
My Rogue Market name is: fortytwo
RM name: calamityX27
Blogger: CalamityX27(McKenzie Grant)
For the loot id love the salamander i could put him to use in my army and id love to own something that jawaballs painted himself!
and what boxes of infanty can i choose from?
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Sgt with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Devastator Squad (or Assault Squad if it needs to be simpler)
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Raizure
My Rogue Market name is: Raizure
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Salamander (why no chaos?)
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Tac Squad (or a chaos sqaud)
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Kias
My Rogue Market name is: Kias
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: "Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine with Power Sword"
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Imperial Guard Cadian Shock Troops
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Sorrowsky
My Rogue Market name is: Sorrowsky
Hey Jawaballs I've been watching your videos for awhile, inspired me to add on to my own blood angels army. Great Idea you have, a giveaway and promotion.
You are a freakin' genious xD
The model I am interested in is the Blood Angels Assault Sergeant.
The infantry set would be the Space Wolves Blood Claws.
My Blogspot name is Itgiger
My Roguemarket one is also Itgiger
Sorry for any confusion guys, the available box set is any Infantry box set of your choice up to 35.00 value. Hope that helps!
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: The salmander
The Infantry Box Set: Devastator Squad
Jawaballs Blog name gigadragon315
Rogue Market name gigaspartan
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is:Dark Angel
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is:Shock troops
My Jawaballs Blog name is:Trevor goff
My Rogue Market name is:Smackpie
desired model:Veteran Assault sgt w/power sword
desired box: Assault Squad
thanks good luck to everyone!!!
Plus for my infanty id love Space Marine Sternguard Veterans
Please and Thank you
Painted Mini: Blood Angels Assault Squad Sargeant
Box Set: Assault Squad
Jawa Blog: Jombo
RM: Jombo
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Cadian Shock Troop
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Necron Warriors
My Jawaballs Blog name is: evan
My Rogue Market name is: Evolush
ryanandreatta here an i think i would get the space wolf
ryanandreatta here
the space wolves would be good for me
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Marine
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Eldar Storm Guardians
My Jawaballs Blog name is: arcbound2291
My Rogue Market name is: Silentexile
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Dark Angel
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Stern Guard
My Jawaballs Blog name is: ProjectRZ
My Rogue Market name is: Ramzey001
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Sgt with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: ____assult marines box set________
My Jawaballs Blog name is: _____Sid________
My Rogue Market name is: ____Sidstall__________
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Tau Fire Warrior
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Eldar Guardians
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Ben
My Rogue Market name is: doomface81
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Ork Nob_____________
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: _______Chaos Space Marines_____
My Jawaballs Blog name is: ____sdrevenant_________
My Rogue Market name is: _____sdrevenant_________
I em a big fan of your videos.
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Crimson fist tactical
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Space Marine Tactical Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Dagoth Ur
My Rogue Market name is: Auriorium
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Crimson fist
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Thousand Sons
Jawaballs blog name:Grimmark
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Salamander with meltagun
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Space Marine Tactical Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Ryan
My Rogue Market name is: Kirberus
Good luck to all! :D
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Veteran with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Assualt Marines
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Joe S
My Rogue Market name is: Shinja27
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Ultramarines Sgt.
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Ork Nobz
My Jawaballs Blog name is: wienas
My Rogue Market name is: wienas
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is:
Ultramarines sgt with power axe and bolter
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is:
Space Marine Devastator Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Donutboi88
My Rogue Market name is:
Cool stuff =)
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angel Assault Marine
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Space Marine Tactical Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Cadaveri
My Rogue Market name is: Cadaveri
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: deathwing terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: assault marine set
My Jawaballs Blog name is: thekillingtomat
My Rogue Market name is: thekillingtomat
hey do you give away each guy or just one?
Only one of the miniatures is being given out. :)
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Ultramarine
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Space Marine Tactical Squad FTW
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Barrkei
My Rogue Market name is: Barrkei
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Deathwing Terminator The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Space Marine Sniper Scouts.
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Akken (actual ID is itswritteninthesky)
My Rogue Market name is: Eric.West
Thanks for the opportunity Jawa! Would be wicked to own a peice of your work, even to see it at close up I'd bet I could learn a few tricks :) Not to mention the free painting vid! Too cool.
Good luck all!
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: BA assault marine
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: space marine tactical squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Spyriadon
My Rogue Market name is: Spyriadon
thanks for letting me use your list this comp will help me towards making it =]
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is:the ultramarine
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: space marine assault squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: scrooge
My Rogue Market name is: scrooge
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Space wolf
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: tactical squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: adam carleton
My Rogue Market name is:adam.carleton
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angel Vet.
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: SM Assault Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: brettjenken
My Rogue Market name is: Blood Angel 1
I would like Blood angels assault person
I would like the Space Marine assauly squad
Jawaballs name:masterpwned
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Deathwing Termy
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Cadian Heavy Weapons team
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Aldonis
My Rogue Market name is: Aldonis
Cool idea - I'd be more excited about the painting video blogs free downloads than even the minis! Been interested in those for a bit.
Blood angel srgnt
Assault Squad
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Marine.
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Assault Marines
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Dec
My Rogue Market name is: Decanblue
I'm an avid collector of Blood Angels, really enjoy your how to paint Blood Angels videos and would like to own a piece of history.
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: blood angels assault marine
Infantry Box Set I would ike is: space marine tactical squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: logan49
My Rogue Market name is: broodlord66
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: the Nob
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Gretchin?
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Jeremiahdrigg
My Rogue Market name is: Jeremiahdrigg
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: deathwing
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: space marine tactical squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is:arrowdom
My Rogue Market name is: crazy nacho guy805
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: the Dire Avenger
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Eldar Dire Avengers
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Irishranger117
My Rogue Market name is: Irishranger117
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angel
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Assault Marines
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Salsa Prime
My Rogue Market name is: Salsaprime
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Cadian Guard
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Cadian Imperial Guard
My Jawaballs Blog name is: michael rundle
My Rogue Market name is: mcflurry
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Kroot guy
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: storm guardians
My Jawaballs Blog name is: omntec
My Rogue Market name is: omntec
This is an awesome mini-contest. Hope I win. You will be donating to my new army :-)
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: [B][U]Dire Avenger[/U][/B]
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: [B][U]Dire Avenger Set [/U][/B]
My Jawaballs Blog name is: [B][U]PlumWingedRuler[/U][/B]
My Rogue Market name is: [B][U]Ikeda[/U][/B]
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Imperial Fist Terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Terminators (or if that's not IF enough, Scouts w Sniper rifles would be excellent... and if they're too rare, Tac Marines can always find a home.)
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Dweomer
My Rogue Market name is: Dweomer
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Deathwing terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Ork warbiker Mob
My Jawaballs Blog name is: masterowen
My Rogue Market name is: masterowen45
Hey man nice idea and nicer work. Hope you do well at GD with the honor guard, they are lookin sweet.
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Veteran with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Space Marine Assault Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Polishwarrior88
My Rogue Market name is: Habit88
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Veteran Sergant with Power Sword
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Space Marine Command Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: bnorth
My Rogue Market name is: Darkwarrior1107
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Veteran with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Space marine tactical squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: callum_morsman
My Rogue Market name is: CallumM27
great idea, so here goes :D
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: blood angels assault marine
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: cc terminators or assault squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: daveroullier
My Rogue Market name is: roullier10
hey there, awesome competition ^^, hope there is more coming. :)
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Space Wolf
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: space wolves- grey hunters.
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Fess
My Rogue Market name is: Fess
oh btw, thanks for the tutorial vids they helped out alot :).
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: cadian guardsman_____________
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: imperial guard cadian shock troops____________
My Jawaballs Blog name is: brendan haas_____________
My Rogue Market name is: carmine1212______________
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: cadian guard_____________
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: imperial guard cadian shock troops ____________
My Jawaballs Blog name is: brendan haas _____________
My Rogue Market name is: carmine1212 ______________
I would want the imperial guard cadian painting film from jawaballs' videos
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: cadian guard_____________
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: imperial guard cadian shock troops ____________
My Jawaballs Blog name is: brendan haas _____________
My Rogue Market name is: carmine1212 ______________
I would want the imperial guard cadian painting film from jawaballs' videos
oops sorry i thought it wasn't working
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: imperial fist terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: SM tactical squad OR $35 gift card to miniwargaming
My Jawaballs Blog name is: nhradisky11@gmail.com/ OR nick hradisky
My Rogue Market name is: phatmonk6195
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angel Assault Marine w/ Power Sword
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Close Combat Terminators (or Assault Marines)
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Gavin Schofield
My Rogue Market name is: ev1lpengu1n
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Sgt. with Power Sword
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Blood Angels Honor Guard
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Codysseus
My Rogue Market name is: Codysseus
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: __Dire Avenger___________
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: ____Dire Avengers________
My Jawaballs Blog name is: ___capt. loken__________
My Rogue Market name is: __capt. loken____________
Excellent idea, I hope that you will do this more in the near future.
I love you Jawaball!!
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Veteran with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Space Marine Vanguard Veteran squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Thistle
My Rogue Market name is: Thistle
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: crimson fist marine
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: space marine tactical squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: fenrisiandog
My Rogue Market name is: halofanatic
this is really a cool way to get people into rogue market and the hobby. -fenrisiandog
Hey jawaballs!
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: The Deathwing Terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Deathwing Terminator squad ofc =)
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Helena
My Rogue Market name is:Helena
Thanx, love your vids!
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: The Cadian Infantry
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Kasrkin Troopers
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Bretac
My Rogue Market name is: Bretac
Vaangard here serching for loot
Painted Moddel = Fire warrior
Box set = Kroot or Kroot hounds
Rogue Market = Vaangard
Blood Angels = Vaangard
The Jawaballs miniature I would like is: Crimson Fist tactical
The infantry box set i would like is: Space Marine Tactical Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: JustinKim
My Rogue Market name is: kimatoo
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Ork Nob
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Ork Boyz Set
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Somewherez7889
My Rogue Market name is: Somewherez
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: blood angels veteran sergeant
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: sm devestator squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: jel1977
My Rogue Market name is: jasonlewis
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Sgt with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: ____assult marines box set________
My Jawaballs Blog name is: _____ValBl00d________
My Rogue Market name is: ____valblood__________
Thank you very much to make his Jawaballs and RM it is very nice
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Space Wolf Tactical
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Imperial Guard Vostroyan Firstborn Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: PostWarFolk
My Rogue Market name is: PostWarFolk
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Imperial Fist Terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Terminator or Grey Hunters
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Kediedia
My Rogue Market name is: nagash4life
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Imperial Fist Terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Cadian Heavy Weapons
My Jawaballs Blog name is: kenshin620
My Rogue Market name is: kenshin620
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: The Cadian Gaurd or dark angel
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Space marine tactical squad.
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Son Of Shame
My Rogue Market name is: Son Of Shame
woo hop i win
btw your crimson fist and salamander look saucesomelicious (because awesome does not cover it.)
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Imperial Fist
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is:
Cadian Command Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Master Chief
My Rogue Market name is: Spartan-11755
not sure if it went through so here it is again
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Caidian or salamander
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Space Marine Tactical squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Should be Brotherofblood (may be manny)
My Rogue Market name is: Son Of Shame
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Tau Fire Warrior
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Tau Fire Warrior Team
My Jawaballs Blog name is: chandler1
My Rogue Market name is: clankiller79
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Dire Avenger
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Space Marine Tactical Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Chris
My Rogue Market name is: Crimeroyale
SteveBerenyi on RM
SteveBerenyi Here
I'd Like
The Imperial Fist Terminator
and a Box of Close Combat Terminator
Great Idea Man.
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Salamander
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: space marine tactical squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is:
My Rogue Market name is:
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: _________Salamander
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: ________Sternguard Veterans
My Jawaballs Blog name is: _____________CalamityX27
My Rogue Market name is: ______________calamityX27
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Deathwing termie
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Tac squad *CC termies is preferred if not too pricey*
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Chi
My Rogue Market name is: Chidaddy
My name on rogue market is: Thinson747 And my follower name on here is: Thinson747
The: Blood Angels Assault Veteran with power sword would be awsome. And the space marine combat squad would be great.
my jawaballs name: theonlylichking
my R-M name is: theonlylichking
the model i want is the IG guy
and the troops is the imperial guard Chimara (its under troops on the GW website so it counts as a troop)
the video i want if i do win (you did say you were giving away a video too right?) well i want the IG one please and thank you....even if i dont want it... gimme gimme gimme >:D
thanks jawa...love the video's
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Dire Avenger
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Howling Banshees
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Rkik
My Rogue Market name is: Rkik
Rogue Market ID: Brother Chimp
Blogger ID: Mooney
Lootz: Fire and SM tactical squad!
This is waaaayy too generous..not that I'm grumbling!
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Imperial Fist
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Necron Warriors
My Jawaballs Blog name is: _______BetrayedbyKharn______
My Rogue Market name is: ______IncredibleEdibleGrot________
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Sergeant
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Grey Knights in Power Armour
My Jawaballs Blog name is: tylion86
My Rogue Market name is: tylion86
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Dire Avenger
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Dire Avengers
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Nescent or Just_of_Doooooooom (I told it nescent, but I think it wants to use the Doom one)
My Rogue Market name is: Nescent
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Assault Sgt.
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Assault Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Matthew Barnhart
Rogue Market name is: vikinghorde
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Sgt with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Assault Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Raizure
My Rogue Market name is: Raizure
*forget my first post*
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Deathwing Terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Terminators Box Set
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Haunt
My Rogue Market name is: Haunt
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Cadian Guard
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Plague Marine squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Raumkampfer
My Rogue Market name is: Raumkampfer
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angel Assault Seargent
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Blood Angels Death Company
My Jawaballs Blog name is: ExiLe
My Rogue Market name is: ExiLe
Jawaballs painted miniature I would like: Deathwing Terminator
Box set: Terminator Squad
Rouge name: Tills45
Jawaballs name: Tills45
great idea
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: _ork nob
the Infantry Box Set I would ike is: nob box set
My Jawaballs Blog name is: ss_basham
My Rogue Market name is: butcherbolivar
Jawaballs blog name: Kablaamo
Rogue-Market name: Kablaamo
"Ultramarines sgt with power axe and bolter"
Space Marine Veterans MkII
Would be awesome :D
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Kroot Carnivore
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Tau Fire Warriors
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Bloodthirster
My Rogue Market name is: Bloodthirster
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: ultramarine veteran sgt.
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: plague marines, gaunts, zombies, skeletons. anything out of that would be great.
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Deaditegod
My Rogue Market name is: Deaditegod
My youtube name is: Deaditegod
Thanks for the contest and all teh great vidoes and blog entries. Keep up the good work. :)
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Tau Firewarrior
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Tau Fire Warriors
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Kjetil Liknes
My Rogue Market name is:
My names Tossidin both here and on rogue-market,
I would love getting the blood angel assalut marine, and the same for box set :)
Have been watching your videos for a long time, as I found them interesting when I started BA, and I haven't been this excited over one of your videos since the first time I watched your moveis :D
If by the luck of the Lion I win, I'd love to possess a jawaballs Deathwing Terminator!
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Deathwing Terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Tyranid Gaunts?
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Farske
My Rogue Market name is: Farske
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Tau Fire Warrior.
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Tau Fire Warrior.
My Jawaballs Blog name is: TrooperPX
My Rogue Market name is: TrooperPX
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Veteran with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Black Templars Sword Brethren
My Jawaballs Blog name is: ilovewumbo
My Rogue Market name is: Rommel
fantastic idea, heres mine i accidentaly deleted my previous post :(
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: blood angels assault marine
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: space wolves- sm cc terminators, or dark elf cold ones (i want to do a nice ravenwing conversion squad :D
My Jawaballs Blog name is: daveroullier
My Rogue Market name is: roullier10
Hey Jawaballs!
Awfully kind thing of you to do O:
I already posted this on Rogue Market but just incase:
Jawaballs Model: Deathwing Terminator
Box Set: Scouts with Snipers
RogueMarket: DarkAngelsftw
Jawaballs blog: Jaden Lowe
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Dire Avenger
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Dire Avenger
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Guru335
My Rogue Market name is: Nick Soapdish
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: blood angel
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: space marine tactical squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: fearisaphobia
My Rogue Market name is: fearisaphobia
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Cadian Gaurdsman
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Cadian Shocktroopers
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Airmanator
My Rogue Market name is: Airmanator
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Ultramarine Veteran Sergeant w/ power axe
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Space Marine Tactical Squad if possible Space Marine Command Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: chaplainjustin
My Rogue Market name is: chaplainjustin
The model i would love to have would be the imperial fists terminator!
The Box set i would like to have is the Tau fire warriors they would kick ass.
Jawaballs account name: Halfbloodhero
Roguemarket account name:
And good luck guys :)
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Deathwing Terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Terminator Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: thatguythatownz
My Rogue Market name is: thatguythatownz
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: __Blood Angels Assault Sgt.
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Devastator Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Brotheryorei
My Rogue Market name is: Brotheryorei
may we make more entries?
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Imperial Fist Terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Thousand Sons
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Bolt Of Change
My Rogue Market name is: Bolt Of Change
Tristan ONE entry only.
Hi Jawaballs i don't have any models yet that i have bought and i was looking for tips online and i found yours, from comparing others i found yours the most helpful. i also noticed that not alot of people wanted the Guardsmen? i will take that to my advantage! besides i would like my model to look like yours! thnx for having a good opportunity like this! its a great help for new 40k table top players
I would like the Guardmens if i win please and the guards man infantry box set.
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Schmitty
My Rogue Market name is:
*Rogue Market is down for upgrades, i will get this ASAP please dont end the contest until the website is up please!*
Blood Angels Assault Sgt with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Assault Marines Box Set
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Beef_it_Up
My Rogue Market name is: Leetbeef
I think I accidently double followed the blog ^^; Oh well, it's a good blog
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Tau Fire Warrior
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Tau Fire Warrior Team
My Jawaballs Blog name is: oniakki
My Rogue Market name is: oniakki
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Kroot Warrior__
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Kroot Warriors_
My Jawaballs Blog name is: David__________
My Rogue Market name is: dwickham_______
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Tau Fire Warrior
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Space Marine Tactical Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Weebo
My Rogue Market name is: mrweebo
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Tau Fire Warrior
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Tau Fire Warriors
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Shas'o
My Rogue Market name is: Nodsitruc2
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is:
Deathwing Terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Terminator Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Xiemos
My Rogue Market name is: Xiemos
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Kroot
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Kroot
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Spoonmerlin
My Rogue Market name is: Spoonmerlin
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Imperial Fist
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Tac Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Mospaeda
My Rogue Market name is: Mospaeda
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Dire Avenger
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Dire Avenger Aspect Warriors
My Jawaballs Blog name is: jaylazer
My Rogue Market name is: jaylazer
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Salamander with melta
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: catachan jungle fighter box
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Shoke
My Rogue Market name is: Shoke
Rogue Market: Templar Mikeel
JawaBalls: Fledder
As a boxed set from RM: Imperial Guard Cadian Shock Troops
A painted mini from JW: Painted Cadian Shock Trooper
Copy and paste this into your post and use it on both my blog and on Rogue Market. Use this format on BOTH websites.
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood angel Assault Marine
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: devistaor Squad (alt of Tactical marines)
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Mchawk315
My Rogue Market name is: Frostedblakes
Hey Jawaballs!!!!! Thanks for everything!!!!
My Jawaballs Blog Name: Cyberslash6
My RM Account Name: Cyberslash6
The Models:
From you: The Ultramarine
From RM: A Space Marine Assault Squad
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Imperial Fist Terminator.
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Devastator Squad or Tactical Marines
My Jawaballs Blog name is: MattyRattyPoo
My Rogue Market name is: MattyRattyPoo
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Crimson Fist
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Tactical Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: soulbrotherkab
My Rogue Market name is: stealthkab
Like I said on Rogue Market too, I just picked up the game last week and still in the process of learning and painting. So I'd love to expand my army with these guys.
Hi! :)
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Kroot
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Tau Fire Warriors (I hope I get that part right)
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Makkovar
My Rogue Market name is: Makkovar
i hae deleted my old want because i changed my mind.
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: the imperial fist terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: a box of 10 Chaos Space Marines
(not the combat squad)
My Jawaballs Blog name is: trisan
My Rogue Market name is: tristanvdputten
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: blood angels sargeant
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: space marine assault squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: razorbladeresurrection
My Rogue Market name is: razorbladeresurrection
the Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Fire Warrior
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Fire warriors
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Joker
My Rogue Market name is: Jokergod
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Deathwing
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Space Marine Devastator Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Pendragon
My Rogue Market name is: Pendragon
Thank you for being such an inspiration!
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Deathwing Terminator
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: SM Terminator squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: apeekaboo
My Rogue Market name is: apeekaboo
Copy and paste this into your post and use it on both my blog and on Rogue Market. Use this format on BOTH websites.
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Space Wolf
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: SM Tactical Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Tyler Roberts
My Rogue Market name is: Mad Rabbit
Hey Jawaballs Big fan keep up the vids
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is:Ultramarine sgt
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: kroot Carnivore Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Minh
My Rogue Market name is: Pacoho
i think i got this working? lol okay, here we go!
need more NON-IMPERIAL minis next giveaway! lol (mumbles something rude about humans)
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: _kroot?_
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: _Genestealers_
My Jawaballs Blog name is: azgodeth
My Rogue Market name is: Azgodeth
following blog as: nathan.munson
rogue-market: Fachxphyre
Miniature and set would be fire warriors :D
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: _____________Blood Angels Assault Sgt with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: ____________ Daemonhunters Grey Knights
My Jawaballs Blog name is: _____________mortrex
My Rogue Market name is: ______________hammyg 101
Awesome idea on the contest jawa
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angles Assault Sergeant w/ power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Scout squad w/ sniper rifles
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Longscope
My Rogue Market name is: Longscope
Oddly enough, I never made myself a blogspot page, so I did one up.
Longscope's Nonsense
oops, I copied my title, not my link.
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: _blood angels sgt_
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: __Chaos Space Marines Emperor's Children Noise Marines__
My Jawaballs Blog name is: __rickybobby____
My Rogue Market name is: ___dudeguy____
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: ultramarine
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: ultramarine tactical squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: vlasis.andrews
My Rogue Market name is:
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is Ork Nob
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Space Marine Assault Squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is Hector Escobedo
My Rogue Market name is acermaxx
Hey man I've taken up 40K gaming since I've been deployed overseas and have found your videos very enlightening.
Thanks for all the hard work!
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Madmalik23
My Rogue Market name is: Madmalik23
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Imperial Fist
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Tactical Squad
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: _Blood Angels Sgt___________
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: _______Anything Blood Angels_____
My Jawaballs Blog name is: ______tunglashr@gmail.com_______
My Rogue Market name is: ____tunglashr__________
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Sargeant with powersword
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Space Marines
My Jawaballs Blog name is:Harold Rodman
My Rogue Market name is: rodmanhd
Like i said on Rouge Market, I cannot thank you enough. Your videos are great
Jawaballs blog: bosoxcvd
vanguard veteran squad and the blood angels assault Sgt. looks like a good one
Hey there Jawa, leaving a comment for my bid at the contest.
I found this while surfing around google for tips for newbies to the game.
A shop finally opened up nearby me you see and so I've decided to finally get into TT. I've been a huge Dawn of War fan, but only now do I really have the chance to get at the meat and bones of the 40k universe.
I decided that ultimately I'm going to go with the Death Korps of Krieg, but use the Steel Legion infantry since the DKoK infantry squads are way more expensive in comparison to the rest of them.
Next week I'll be ordering out for my first squad of the Steel Legion and I'll be onto my first step of playing. Can't wait.
Anyway now for my chance to enter…
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Cadian Guardsman
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Steel Legion infantry squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Verdius
My Rogue Market name is: Verdius
Thanks in advance for the chance at least! It's great to see a community like this.
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: The Imperial Fist although if it is required that I get the deathwing to receive the terminator squad I would go with that =)
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: terminator squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: yoogK
My Rogue Market name is: yoogK
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Tau Firewarrior
The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: Daemonhunter Grey Knights
My Jawaballs Blog name is:
My Rogue Market name is:
Sweet this is awesome
Google Delta_Ice
RM Delta_Ice
Nob Box or Boys
Free stuff is GREAT !! Especially when it cost "nothing"
the Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: BA assault vet. w/power sword
the infantry box I would like is: Space Marines assault squad
My Jawaballs blog name is: jfubar123
My Rogue Market blog name is: gi22mo
Thanks for making their armies look alittle better !!
I hope this isn't a double post..because i came back to make sure my post was up but couldn't find it :/
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Imperial Fist Terminator.
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: Devastator Squad or if not Tactical Marines :D
My Jawaballs Blog name is: arhwhyayehn
My Rogue Market name is: arhwhyayehn
Hi There! The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: _Ultramarine with Axe!_
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: _Scouts_
My Jawaballs Blog name is: _Technoscream_
My Rogue Market name is: _Technoscream_
Here I am, Your pieces are amazing and I would love to add to my collection.
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Blood Angels Assault Sgt with power sword
The Infantry Box Set I would like is: BA assault marines box set
My Jawaballs Blog name is: Gianluca
My Rogue Market name is: Zago
Thanks so much for doing this, I enjoy the vids & y'r sense of humor.
The Jawaballs painted miniature I would like is: Deathwing Terminator The Infantry Box Set I would ike is: space marine tac. squad
My Jawaballs Blog name is: rfc23
My Rogue Market name is: rfc23
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