So today I booked the hotel room for BoLScon 2009 and registered for the 40k tournament! So there you go guys, August 21-24 I will be in Austin, Texas. Fritz is coming as well, and we will be at the open gaming tables on Friday where I plan on getting my hands on Jwolf and showing him what for. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
I just noticed that the point total is 2k points for the tournament though... this worries me. I have not had a chance to playtest much 2k armies, and I feel that the extra 250 points will vastly change the dynamic of the game from how I play... Any suggestions? I think I will be using my same list, and just adding a jacked out Honor Guard to go with Dante, with the chapter banner. The one I entered in Golden Daemon. Gona be a great weekend! JB
We are ready and waiting Jawaballs!
I'll have to put Jwolf into a 40k "Rocky" training regimen of raw eggs, and non-stop Blood Angels/Eldar battles to prepare!
We are going to have a BLAST!
Most of the big tournaments on this side of the Mississippi tend to be 2000 points (SoCal Slaughter, Broadside Bash, etc).
What I have noticed with 2000 points is you really have to be wary of the time. While an extra 250 points might not mean alot for a Space Marine or Eldar Mech Army, it does add alot of miniatures to Ork Horde, Nids, and IG.
While I have not played in a 2000 point tournament, several of my friends have and they said if the time limit is 2 hours to be extremely careful of the time.
As for 250 points...maybe some speeders with MM for all the IG Mech?
I would say that I am at a definite disadvantage... since every tactic I use is posted right here and I have no clue what you guys play! I guess I need to dig into BoLS and find your armies! :) It is gona be great. Cant wait.
And as for the extra points... I think a squadron of MM speeders will take me a long way as far as where to spend those points. I can buy 3 speeders and an extra Death Company model... That may or may not be better then 5 Honor Guard. If only BA priests granted FNP like generic apothecaries. It would be a nobrainer. He costs 20 points and only grants a heal once per turn and only if NOT in close combat. But that honor guard will put back some deadly assault teeth that my army is missing and they would keep Dante alive since guys cant target him with heavy weapons. Also though, the honor guard is way more survivable then speeders. They are pretty easy to kill since STR 4 weapons can knock em down... Guess I will have to get with Fritz and playtest!
I plan to run something like 4 full strength ork squad trucks and nobz, and tank punching bikers, ranged weaponry is for the puny ig. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
i'll be there too, hoss. i still have a lot of cleaning up to do on the catachans before they're ready...
Hey JB, i need some help. im starting a 40k blog and i can't download any images from my computer/and or camera.
Sweet! It will be awesome to see you guys there!
Just paid for the event and am ready to go!
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