Ok folks, here it is. My first contest! As I promised in August, I will be running a painting contest. Also as I promised, this first one will be centered around the Blood Angels. Perfect since Space Hulk is out!
Here are the rules:
Pretty standard internet painting contest rules folks. I am the one and only authority here. If I feel you are trying to get some sort of advantage by any sort of mischief, I will discuss it with you and if I have to, disqualify you.
1. To enter my contest, you must be a blog follower.
2. Paint one BLOOD ANGELS terminator using Blood Angels colors. (Sorry Ron, your sweet Space Hulk Deathwing dont count! I'm sure you can meet the challenge though.) Guys seriously, if you don't want to paint a Blood Angel, fine, just don't enter! :) I will have other contest that are opened up to any thing. Off Shoots of the Blood Angels are not allowed. Sorry Flesh Tearers! While I respect and love your creativity, I want the playing field to be level here. Sure it might give Blood Angels painters an advantage, but now is a chance for you other guys to step it up! This forces you all to develop your skills with a difficult palet of colors. Lets see what you can do! Can you accent your Blood Angels with blues and purples? Sure. Just stick with the basic paint scheme of the Blood Angels. A primarily red base coat. Look at the new White Dwarf for a nice painting tutorial and guide. I had written this up requireing you to use Space Hulk terminators, but some guys cannot afford them, so I opened it up to all. I would however LOVE to see you paint Space Hulk!
3. Paint your model YOURSELF, and for this contest! I do want to make sure that you are painting it your self, so pay attention to the next rule. I do not want guys to simply unshelf some painted masterpiece and win their 48th contest with it.
4. Provide me with 6 images of your model.
Three of them will be images of your finished model, from 3 different angles. These images may be 3 single pictures, or 1 picture collage with 3 images on it. I have seen guys submit "Three Images" to painting contests, but those three images were each mass collages of multiple images, giving them the opportunity to actually submit a dozen or so. Don't know why, but that annoys me. :) Send me 3 pictures, or ONE picture with 3 images. These will be the images I judge. Next to all images, include a piece of paper on which you have written your Jawaballs blog follower name, and the date.
Three other images of your model, will be taken showing progress. Take a picture of your modle being started, take a picture of the mid point, and take a picture of the finished model. All from the same angle. These can be collaged into one image, or sent seperately. This is to show me that you are painting your model yourself. To take a page from Miniwargaming, write your Jawaballs blog follower name and the date on a piece of paper, and display that next to your model for the pictures.
5. Email the pictures to jawaballs AT yahoo dot com. To avoid spambots I typed it out. Include your address incase you win.
6. Due Date: Your pictures must be received no later then 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time on Friday, October 9th. This gives you a month boyos!
7. You Must comment on this post to enter. Simply add a comment announcing your entry! I will make a contest banner with a link to this thread.
8. Your model must be based, and on a terminator size base only. Having said that, basing has NO BEARING on judging beyond meeting the minium requirement. A lavish jungle scene full of lush foliage with your terminator skulking around in it will only hinder the judging since I will not be able to see the painting! I suggest you spend your time painting. I suggest simple sand, rocks and flocking, or a scenic resin base. I have seen guys win contests with average models but amazing sculptd bases. I want this to be a contest of painting, not sculpting. Try the citadel hero basing kit.
Ok, that sounds about good for rules. Check back often since I will update this post with FAQ rules.
Now for details.
Sometime around October 31, I will make a post displaying one of my favorite pictures from each entry. I will announce the winner at this time.
First Prize: A new Terminator Box Set of your choice. I will ship this free world wide. Also, 10 bucks of free bases from my estore, www.jawaballsproductions.com
Second Prize: A brand new copy of Dawn of War II, courtesy of Bell of Lost Souls. (I scored it as a door prize at bolscon and am regifting it!) Also, 10 bucks of free bases from my Estore, www.jawaballsproductions.com
Third Prize: A Terminator with Typhoon Missle Launcher blister. Also, 10 bucks of free bases from my Estore, www.jawaballsproductions.com
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth: Wait for it.... 10 bucks of free bases from my Estore, www.jawaballsproductions.com Or a free download set of "how to paint" videos. Your choice.(Shameless marketing)
So there you go! Take a look, feel free to offer input. If any thing is unclear, let me know. Let the competition begin!
Also, I bought my scenic resin bases from www.jawaballsproductions.com and they are awesome. I also bought How to Paint Space Marines from www.jawaballsproductions.com.
Wow, first in.
I will be entering a Terminator Captain Conversion I did for my Bloodwing (Blood Angels Terminators using Deathwing Rules) that is currently only primed. He is meant to rep Belail.
Thank you for running the contest.
Great contest, I just have a question, since It will encourage meto paint my recently adquired beating(wife didnt like a bit that I spend my allowance for the month in space hulk and paints) I wonder if you are going to allow WIP blog posts during the contest duration?
I'm in!
Huron, make sure you are painting it for this contest! It has to be started, and finished between now and the due date. (the painting)
Woroxon, yes, you are welcome to document your WIP. You are still requierd to meet the rules for emails and pictures sent, And since I am doing the judging, there will be no overexposure of individual models skewing the voting results... cough cough... FTW... :)
I'm all over this.
I've always wanted to try my hand at a red paint scheme.
Sounds fun. I'll be doing one of the Space Hulk termies. Thanks for doing this.
A question in regards to basing, do Space Hulk terminators need to be mounted on a base? I'm fine if it does, but cutting them off their tabs will be a pain (and he won't be usable in the game).
I am in
SH terminators need not be taken off their bases. They will be the exception for the sake of not wrecking dudes game models if they do not want to. I personally am rebasing all of my SH termies on jawabases! If they are a little big for the game... so be it.
You better believe I am in. Awesome contest!
Added to TPC's Contest Calendar ^_-.
It's too bad I'm planning to do my SH guys up in Angels Sanguine colors!
Thanks for the clarification :)
I'm in!
Sounds like fun, count me in.
Can it be a Librarian or are you looking for all red armor?
Make this one just the all red armor. Only difference between a Blood Angels LIbrarian and a Smurf librarian is a pair of pretty wings and a shoulder pad. This contest is about painting red! Embrace the blood.
I'm in.
I've been painting only orks for too long, this is a good excuse to switch it up!
I'm giving it a go. Remembered that I had some AoBR termies I don't use:) I'm taking it that the color rules are "red and clearly blood angel". Experimenting a bit with colors already you see:) Still haven't figured out how to highlight. Orange looks off to me. Has anyone tried out the red highlight that the formula P3 line has? Don't want salmon either. Blue/purple sounds interesting though.
Jawa, in the unlikely event of a win, would you paint the termies up all imperial fist like before shipping them off?
I'm looking forward to see what everyone will come up with:)
I'll be painting a space hulk sergeant lorenzo.
Sounds fun, count me in!
I'll throw my hat into the ring and give it a go
You just provided the push I needed to paint one of my Blood Angels terminators. I am in!.
Sounds cool! I was gonna paint my Space Hulk minis anyway. Might as well enter the contest too. =)
sure im up for it!
this is a fantastic contest with fantastic prizes. Im going to give it a bash. I'l be leaving my SH guys on their bases... then if I win, Ill rebase them with Jawabases!!
This sounds like a lot of fun!
I've just started painting my Space Hulk Terminators, and I would like to sign in!
A question regarding the 3 WIP pictures we're to send as proof; I started painting my Brother Claudio yesterday, and so I've done most of the red already - the shot of the model being started, is that when it is only primed, or is some paint ok? Want me to send you a picture of the earliest shot I got, so you can decide if I can finnish this model for your competition, or if I have to start on one others to join? Or is it okey with the red stage mostly done now? (that's the only part I have done, though)
Red stage is fine. You can start from there. Lots of great interest so far! I am going to start posting up pictures as they come in.
I'm in for the painting competition.
This will be great!
I'm in!
I failed to mention earlier that you can count me in! I'm painting Brother Claudio. It was a tough choice but here it goes!
Faolin, it has to be a terminator.
Would a T-800 suffice? :)
I feel that I will have stiff competition in this comp. How are things working out for the rest of you? I think I might have to buy some new paints:)
Awsome! I will be entering a space hulk terminator. This is perfect for getting me motivated to start painting them! :D
Count me in. I will paint one of the guys- don't know which one yet. Gotta take a look at the sprue.
You can count me in. Sounds like the perfect motivation for me to paint a Space Hulk mini! Now just have to pick which one!
I'm in.
It would be dumb not to since I will be painting Bloods for the next month anyway.
I'm just glad I have a few I hav'nt started yet.
So I guess I will be doing Brother Goriel since he is the coolest one I have unstarted.
I was planning to start my terminators next month anyway, I see no excuse not to start one a month early to throw into the ring!
I am in with one of the space hulk terminators. Not sure which one at this point.
I am entering. Just picked up the last Space Hulk box at my LGS! Wootsauce.
Here's a stupid question from a newbie;
"8. Your model must be based, and on a terminator size base only."
Does this mean 40mm round bases or 25mm round bases. I have termies on both types...
Count me in Jawaballs. On my last video on Youtube you can see a preview of things to come from me. if i had known from this contest earlyer, this terminator would be my contest entry...but so it will be another one.
Greetings, Alexandra from GirlPainting
Tobbe, termi sized bases are the bigger ones, 40mm. Some people say they are 'grandfathered' and can play old terminators on the bases that came with them, 25mm, but as far as I'm concerned, 40mm are the only bases terminators can use. (or bigger) SO go with the 40.
I was wondering if you were going to get in on this Alexandra! I figured once I posted up on youtube you would see it and could not resist. Looking forward to your model! You just raised the level of this contest. :)
Hey Jawa,
I am a err.. youtube lurker and am wishing to join this comp. As if I actually finish the mini in time is another question (I will at least attempt). Just a question, would I be allowed to enter the SH dead marine into this comp? I do have a copy of SH so if the dead marine isn't allowed, I will rip out another termi (Of coarse with modelling side cutter :3)
Cheers from Oz,
as cool as the dead marine is, I have excluded him from the contest to keep every thing even. Enter a regular SH marine, plus send pics of your dead one! But only the regular will count for the contest.
Hmm.. I needed a break from painting Eldar. I will have to get in on this.
Okay! I'll join this, will be useing an AoBR Termie, wish I could use the termie sergeant but I already painted him. And I'm too poor to get SH lol
Im IN!
Seems like there'll be quite a few entries. It will be great to see.
One question- I missed the part where the wip photos needed a name and date written. My first 'correct' photo has the termie with 2 colours (red, black) and a few washes. Is this still ok?
Sure man, just want proof that you are currently painting this model, and not pulling out some Ebayd golden daemon entry. :)
Ok, the Terminator is half way done...the hard part will be the Banner...i am looking for the 1st company banner but all i could find was the banner from the chapter and the 9th company as well as the 2nd company. if i coudn´t find the right one...i´ll just create my own ^^
greetings, Alexandra
I'm in and not giving myself a lot of time :-)
Now i hope that while I am not the most experienced painter I at least do not make your eyes hurt.
Dead BloddAngels Termie from SpaceHulk to be painted for this.
OK so didn't read all 51 comments before entering and see that the Dead Marine is not allowed, well i will pick one of the others :-)
Ive ruled that the dead terminator is not eligible to keep the playing field the same. Sorry! Just paint up one of the other guys. :)
Im in! Space Hulk or not, im in!
Make sure every one is documenting their progress with at least 3 photographs, with their names and dates written next to the model! Alexandra, I was only able to find the 2nd company, can you forward me the picture of the 9th? I think the 9th is just a scout company... From what I have seen, most of their banners follow the same basic scheme, geometric shapes following the length of the banner, either straight or diagnally, in reds and yellows... look at the 2nd co and Tycho for examples. I would think any variation of those, with a nice symbol in the middle would work fine!
btw... does space hulk models have to be on a terminator base?
i covered that one already, no, you need not put SH termies on a new base if you do not want to.
I am planning to enter, assuming that I find the time to do the painting (new child and all...)
I'm in!
I'm gonna paint an assault terminator with hammer/stormshield.
I'll be priming it black tomorrow.
Count me in Chris!
This will be an intense competition, of epic proportions, good luck to everyone, and have fun!
one question- Chris, is it ok if my first WIP pic is sorta already in progress? (as in - base coat done, and details based).
that's all i have to say, other than the fact that i hope i get a prize :P
Yes, an already started WIP is ok.
Brother Claudio is a terminator, he's the SH lightning claws guy. This is kind of a silly question, but is there any specific resolution/size you want the pictures?
AHh I thought you mistyped Corbulo. I suggest high res as possible for your own sake! The better the pic, the better I can see it.
Ill give it a go. Will start tonight.
im going to enter. can the terminator be an apothacary?
Sure, just make sure he is painted standard blood angels colors.
I'm in. Termie with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield. Expect an e-mail by October 9, Jawaballs.
I just sent in my entry 6 pics plus one close-up.
I Cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with.
I'll be entering with a work in progress for a standard close combat terminator that I converted with magnets to use either Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield or Lightning Claws.
I'll be painting the thunder hammer/storm shield for this (it's been sitting with some red paint on it for months as I can't find a use for terminators in the size games / area I play).
I forgot to verify that I am entering :) More than anything I am just going to be happy to see the work everyone else is doing on the BAs.
Oh, and I am painting a Captain in Terminator Armor with a chainfist.
I'll throw a BA Terminator into the ring for this. Looking forward to seeing people's entries.
is the entries beeing posted anywhere or do we have to wait untill the competition is over?
My entry's in. Goodluck to everyone!
I'm in!
Hi, i´m in.
im in!
I can't send you my stuff, every time I try it comes back "invalid address" :(
me at yahoo.com
Just sent you my entry. Hope the adress works. Good luck to all of you.
Ok, im in. Just sent a You mail :)
I will enter the contest
Ok, my entry is in! =)
Ok I have formally sent my entry to the contest I hope to win.
Entrys sent ;) Hope you can see the pictures... :P
Good luck to you all!!! :D
Entry sent :)
Entry in! I hope to see some great paintjobs out there!
Squirrel Fish
Sorry for the late post (didn't read the rules fully) I'd like to enter my lightning claw terminator. Email will be sent shortly.
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