Warhammer 40k Blood Angels: Venerable Dreadnought

Look whats next! I am using the Forge World Chaplain Dreadnought as a Venerable Dread for my army! Check back for the video of me paintin

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels: Battle Report BA vs Nids

So, I took on a large nid army for my first solo 5th edition game. Used what has now become my standard list. Dante, Honor Guard with 2

Warhammer 40k Space Marine Blood Angels: Corbulo?

Furious Charge is awesome! So is Preferred Enemy. So the question is, Dante or Corbulo? The huge issue I see is that Corbulo cannot wear

Warhammer 40k Space Marine Blood Angels: Vets with power weapons

Veteran assault squads are great. They cost only 10 more points then regular assault squads, and you can add extra marines to them one at

Warhammer 40k Space Marine Blood Angels: Baal Predator no good?

Soo, the Baal Predator. Is it worth taking or a waste of time? When I used it at Gamesday Baltimor 08, my opponents largely ignored it an

Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II is coming!

Check out this awesome video! Look for a link below to Amazon.com so you can get it yourself!

Warhamme 40k Blood Angels: How to paint Blood Angels Series ONE.

This set of videos will take the beginner or advanced painter from choosing brushes, through the sprue, to a nice table top quality space m

Warhammer 40k Blood Agels: Love my Devs!

Ok, I LOVE my Devastators. I use a 10 man Dev squad in my force, equipped with 3 Plasma Cannons and 1 Lascannon. They are outstanding! I

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels: Battle Report 3000 points Eldar and Blood Angels vs dirty stinking heretic vanilla marines.

The following was cut and pasted from my friends blog http://saimhann.blogspot.com/ thanks Fred!Recon City Fight 3000 pointsFellow 40K Bloo

Warhamme 40k Blood Angels: New Rumors, Dante's Assault!!

I just heard a rumor about a new appocalypse box set coming out that includes 100 marines, Dante and 3 Thunderhawks. Can any one find a li

Warhammer 40k: Blood Angels Tactics

Post any discussion or questions about blood angels tactics or rules here.

Warhammer 40k: How to paint space marines blood angels

Tell me what you think of my video here. It was my first how to paint video, and I was sort of winging it (obviously) They will get better

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels

Hi All, I've been busy this summer. I am a teacher and am able to use my prep time during the year to post on my blog, but during the summ