Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Ultramarines

Last night Brother Captain James and I got in a game at the club. He is always fun to play, mostly because when we play we bicker like sch

How to Win Warhammer 40k: Blood Angels Tactics 3, General Plan

Welcome back! I believe I should have probably started with this post, and then discussed how each of my units fits into it. Never too la

How to Play Blood Angels: Where to begin

So, the question has been asked many times. "Jawaballs, I love your models, how do I start a Blood Angels army?" Rather then answer that

How to Win Warhammer 40k: Blood Angels Tactics 2. Brother Corbulo

Welcome to segment 2 of How to win Warhammer 40k. I could not post a tutorial on using Dante without posting about my other HQ choice, Bro

How to Win Warhammer 40k: Blood Angels Tactics

Hey Folks! So, after working on this blog and developing my army and tactics for about 9 months, I have started to turn into some sort of

Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Cantor Marines

First game in over 2 weeks! Today I got to play against Burt, a member of our club. Burt is known for being a little surly, but truely, I

Q and A. Question from a youtube subscriber, posted with his permission.

I received this email from one of my youtube subscribers, and I asked him if he would mind if I posted the response here since it is inform

Honor Guard Update 5.

Ok, in this update, I am playing with an internal lightsource coming from the glow on my power fist model. I drasticly enhanced the bright

Honor Guard Update 4.

I am uploading 3 more pics. Here is my apoth, standard bearer and champion. The combat shield is at his feet. I am painting a unifying ch

Honor Guard Update 3.

Ok, so, here are a few update pics of my honor guard. On the power fist, I am playing with adding a blue glow to the metallic areas of the

Honor Guard Update.

Here is an update of pics!

Need Help with Honor Guard

Hey guys, I need a hand! I am painting my new honor guard, and the standard bearer has a larg optical piece on half his face an one eye.

Recent lesson on vehicle facing.

In a recent game, I learned a lesson about vehicle facing and cover saves. My opponent was trying to shoot at the Baal Pred with the Cheru

Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Chaos Undivided double Lash

Last night I had the pleasure of playing Black Matt's tournament list. We both knew that this was going to be a tough game with nothing le

As if I did'nt already have enough projects... Blood Angels Chapter Banner and Dante's Honor Guard for Golden Daemon

Well the title was a mouthful, but it is as it is. I plan on entering two items into the Golden Daemon this year for my first ever entries The Tau Project

Stealing a bit from Ron at From the Warp, I am going to do a thread of posts on my new Tau Project! Here is a pic of my first 3 Fire Warri Trying my hand at some Tau!

SO, I thought I would give a Firewarrior a shot. First of all, I am going to make a how to paint video for them, but also, I am looking for