Jawaballs Mail Call

Dark Angels questions! I am no Dark Angels expert, but here is a question I received today. Dark AngelsHey how is it going? Recently I jus

Honor Guard Update 7: Champion power sword

Here is a couple of pictures of my Honor Guard Chapter Champion. I found a good picture of a power sword on another blog: http://thepainti

Jawaballs Mail Bag!

Here is a question I got asking for help on building an Ultramarines list. my Ultramarine Army list problemHey Jawaballs,its suckthetyran

How to Paint Space Marines: Hand Painted Angel Wings video 3

Here is video 3 in the set. Again, poor focus. It seems each video I did is going to be like this. And I did not take any still shots of

Honor Guard Update 6: Sanguinary Priest Jump Pack and Standard Bearer

Here are a few pics of my Standard Bearer and Priest near completion. I have to HL the priest jump pack, but there is a decent pic of the

How to Paint Space Marines: Hand Painted Angel Wings Video 2

Here is part two of the video set. I am very sorry for the blurry resolution. My cam has been a lil bitch lately. I think the rest get b

How to Paint Space Marines: Hand Painted Angel Wings

Here is video one of my newest series, How to Paint Space Marines: Hand Painted Angel Wings. I will be posting them all here.

Come meet Jawaballs and Fritz at Gamesday!

Thats right! Ever wanted to know what we look like? Want to see our tactics first hand? Want to look us in the eye and tell us you think

Golden Daemon Honor Guard Update 6

Here is a quick pick of my Sanguinary priest. I decided to take an extended break from painting for a few weeks in order to refresh myself

How to Paint Space Marines Blood Angels: Brother Bolgard musters on!

Here is another post about Brother Bolgard. He is a new Blood Angels player who has returned to 40k and was inspired by my videos. He has

How to paint space marines: Blood Angels Another happy customer!

Here is yet another happy customer who posted a video on youtube thanking me for my video set! Don't take my word for it... take his!

How to Win Warhammer 40k: Blood Angels Tactics 4, Rhino Rush

Time to talk about Rhinos. 5th edition has welcomed the new dawn of 40k, and with the rise of that dawn came the reliable and practical us

Jawaballs 1750 Mechanized List April 2009

DanteCorbuloTroops:Assault Squad 15 marinespower fistrhinoextra armorAssault Squad 25 marinespower swordrhinoextra armorAssault Squad 35 ma

Another happy customer!

Just a quick thanks to Bolgard from Youtube for posting this video:He purchased my "How to Paint" Blood Angels video set and did a great jo