A big thanks to Scott from Army Dice!

I wanted to take a moment to thank Scott from Army Dice. He provided me with a nice set of Blood Dice, with a Blood Drop instead of a 6 to

Ok, SO MUCH to post... Battle for Salvation Tournament 2009

Where to begin??? I am uploading videos now, so be looking for them. But Over all, I had a great day with a completely unexpected finall

BoLScon 2009 Here we come!

So today I booked the hotel room for BoLScon 2009 and registered for the 40k tournament! So there you go guys, August 21-24 I will be in A

Zombie Apocalypse: The First Hour

The first hour of the Zombie Apocalypse would be the most crucial and difficult to survive. Picture this... You are laying in bed taking a

Zombie Apocalypse: Setting the rules.

So, as has already been pointed out, many people have many theories... Some published, some just lurking. In the end, I want to point out

The first Jawaballs Commission! Check out new WIP blog.

I have accepted my first commission and the customer gave me permission to display the work in progress online! Check out The Jawaballs Co

Gamesday Baltimore 2009 Banner Contest: Jawaballs For The Win!

My favorite part was the little nurgling posing with the banner after! This is why I love this game. :)

Warhammer 40k Gamesday Baltimore Footage

Here is the first of some videos showing Gamesday Baltimoer 2009 footage. Enjoy!

Rules Question! Tanks shooting out of area terrain.

Ok, here is a rules question up for grabs! When a tank is in a piece of area terrain, and is shooting through more then 2 inches of it, do

Are you ready for the Zombie Apocalypse? Be prepared.

In my first post I talked about having your ready bag. I got a lot of response from a lot of people and thats great! To respond to a few


So, this year at Gamesday 2009 I scored some more Jawa-Loot to add to the collection. I got a cool trophy for winning the Banner Contest,

Baltimore Gamesday 2009!

Where to begin!!! So Fritz and I decided to host a club table at the 2009 Baltimore Gamesday. We billed it as a all comers Q and A sort o

Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Imperial Guard Deep Strike army

I went to the Glen Burnie battle bunker after Gamesday to try to get a chance to take on any one who may want to come play. A reader was s

Holy Emails Batman!

Hey Guys, I just got home from Gamesday and finally had a chance to start going through some emails and almost fell over when I was greeted

Glen Burnie battle Bunker! Come play against me.

Thats right! I will be at the Glen Burnie Battle Bunker today. If you live in the Baltimore area and want to throw down against me, come on

The Baltimore 2009 Gamesday is here.

And I am leaving tomorrow! I have finally finished... well... for now... my honor guard and Baal Pred. Now I can work on some other projec

Are you ready for the Zombie Apocalypse? I sure am.

So last night, I finished my Baal Predator Golden Daemon entry ... well almost... :) And forced myself to drop the brush and go to bed at a

Announcing: The First Ever Jawa-Giveaway!

Yup, here you go. This is the first ever Jawa-Giveaway! In heart felt thanks to the community, Jawaballs Productions, is teaming up with

Now Accepting commissions!

Yup. I have decided to actually take on a few painting jobs. For a limited time, I am taking commissions for Blood Angels armies. You ha