Why do I think I will beat Jwolf?

Lets get back to the heart of the matter. Why do I think I will beat Jwolf? First of all, I have no delusions about my chances in the 7 g

Self Reflection. When are we bing dicks?

One thing that can be gathered from some of the recent hate I have gotten online is that I have taken some time to look inside myself. I t

More Hate!

I got this particularly well worded zinger of an email today:Hey 'Jawaball' ( what a gay name ), Screw you and your tutorials 'cos me and a

The Challenge Builds! Jwolf is going down at BoLScon.

I want to preface this by saying that I in no way consider myself 40k elite. I wallowed in the 60s tables for most of the last GT and when

Some fan/reader love!

Gotta love some fan love. Ash, who frequently comments on my blog, sent me this email and link:I have loved your videos and Website/Blog.

Blood Angels Unit Breakdown: Blood Angels Characters... Lesmartes.

So, the question that came in today was quick and to the point...how come u never use lemartes?? Great Question. Here are some LM pros an

Child Psychology Update.

Some time ago, I got an email from a reader asking for advice on how to break his little brother into playing 40k. I gave a response about

Want to get your artwork in my videos?

Zachary, a 20 year old subscriber to my youtube channel sent in this logo idea because he liked my stuff and wanted to share. I have to sa

More Mailbag! A happy viewer from Portugal.

Hello,my name is Gonçalo I'm from Portugal and I've been seeing some of your videos here on youtube and i had to send you a message congrat

The Challenge... Jwolf... Jlunch? Jawawolf???

I have to say, I have not looked forward to something this much since I asked for the Millenium Falcon for Christmas almost 30 years ago.

Mind Games: Forcing your opponent to choose.

The other night, when playing a Tau player, I realized that some times I employ a nice little mind freak that I have in part touched upon p

Battle Report: BA vs Tau 2k points

So, getting in some 2k point practice for BoLScon, I managed to get a game against a new guy at our club playing Tau. I warned him about

Mailbag: Question from a customer who bought my Imperial Fist videos...

Hey Jawaballs,I've been a youtube fan for a long time, I think you might be the only 40k painteron the internet who makes amazing looking m

Blog Redesign!

As a further part of the celebration of my first year of blogging, I had good ole Fritz help me out with a nice redesign! Now I am sportin

Calling all 40k bloggers! Jawaballs wants you.

I want you on my blog roll, and I want to be added to yours. So, if you have a 40k blog, or any blog for that matter... (Zombies!) Add me

Hard Boys Blood Angels

With round one of Hard Boys now history, and many of my friends having placed in the tournaments they entered, I find myself regretting my

If you cant beat em... join em! My BoLSCON plans...

I have been quite staunch in my opposition to playing Terminators in my Blood Angels list... however, in thinking about what list to play a

How to Paint Space Marines: Blood Angels. How to Paint Dante.

As a treat celebrating a year of blogging and three thousand subscribers on youtube, I have decided to upload an entire How to Paint set of

More Mailbag! A bike comparison from DocRailgun.

O Brother-Captain Jawaballs,I've been thinking about 'ard Boyz, and about the armies I wish I hadthe models to run with. To that end, I hav

Mailbag Monday: Should you thin paint?

Image borrowed without permission from http://www.flickr.com/photos/epikuros/3483709130/ if you want me to remove the image, I will do so o

Fritz and Jawaballs answer the call!

As just about all of you know, Bell of Lost Souls is having a huge gaming event the weekend of August 23rd. But what you may have missed i