The Jawaballs Report: Bolscon 2009 part 2

I know, it's old news, but I needed to get up more video and reviews of Bolscon! Sorry I've had a busy week with school starting up. I got

Brothers Grim 40k Tournament for Charity Sept. 12

Not long ago Battle for Salvation ran a charity tournament to support the Salvation Army, who graciously allows us to play in their hall.

Battle for Armageddon: Which armies fought?

I am playing around wiht some army theme ideas, and I was wondering which IG armies fought in the battle for Armageddon... This is your ch

A word on football.

"I think that will be the toughest thing for me, you know, being away from my family and my son," said Burress, who broke down in tears tal

Jawaballs will be in Tampa, Florida September 13-16

Yup, I will be traveling to Tampa, Florida for training for work, but I think I should be free in the evenings! Any one live in the area a

The Jawaballs Report: BOLSCON 20009 Part 1

Adam, Jwolf, Bigred, Jawaballs, Fritz and Goatboy in the front.I have a LOT to go over. I am currently copying over 10 gigs of video and pi

Hi from Bolscon!

I don't have time to report much, but I have to say Bolscon has been an outstanding success so far! I will give plenty of details later, b

Fritz causes problems at the airport!

Well, we almost did not make it through security. My bags went through fine, but Fritz got stopped and they searched his scum Eldar bag.

A little taste of something different: A blog full of humor by my Fiance Debra!

My Fiance, who fancies herself a writer, has finally taken the plunge and started her own blog. I am posting here to give her a head start

The Time is Upon Us! Bolscon is here...

So, Tomorrow morning Fritz and I fly out to Texas for what should prove to be an awesome weekend of gaming! To start it off, we have the b

Hard Boys Semifinals Battle Report from

I have a nice little Gem here for you today. Lance Cooper, who has started a new blog about his 40k exploits and his winning of a place at

Jawaballs Painting Marathon!

To prepare for BoLScon, I had to give my army some very much needed attention. First order of business was to build and paint a new Rhino,

Painting Techniques: Power Weapons and Wet Blending

Wet Blending Speeder:Power Weapon:Here are a couple of painting tips I thought I would share with you all. The first is what I call "Wet Bl

Shout out to!

After seeing a youtube video by Romeo at Battlefoam, I knew I had to have one. So, after a quick phonecall out to Phoenix, I had one o

More Blood Angels Hand Painting! Warhammer 40k

Here is a WIP pic of my latest Rhino for my own Blood Angels army! I got the image from DoWII, it showed up on one of the loading screens,

Why the hell!

Why would a company that sells a product not include with said product the wires you need to hook it the hell up. I just bought an All-in-

Warhammer 40k Tactics: Assault Revisited, Assaulting Multiple Units

Today I will answer a request to open up a discussion on assaulting multiple units with a single unit. My single unit is going to be a 10

Faces of Death. How to take advantage of "Facing."

Want to see your opponent's face turn green, blue, then explode? Try this! First of all, as Flekkso pointed out in my last post, and I ag

Battle Report: Blood Angels vs IG 2k points

Sorry, I had issues with my new digi video cam and Video is not available for this one yet...Mission: BasesDeployment: Table CornersI playe

Just Face It: The impact of "Facing" on mechanized warfare.

Illustration AIllustration BAs I understand the rules, when a target vehicles armor value is being decided, that is, when you are trying to

Some more fan love!

A lot of people focus on the nasty things others do to them, well, I wanted to share a little more love today! Recently I received a littl

Vampire Counts Relaunch!

Last year I started a Vampire Counts army, and it was eventually shelved for other projects. I have decided to reload them and finally get

First Jawaballs Commission is finished!

So I finished my first commission. A 1750ish Blood Angels army. I'm pretty happy with the results! A lot of guys have been asking me abou

Back from Vacation!

Ok, so I just got back from Maine. I went to have a little baby shower at my Fiances moms house, then went to Acadia State Park! ASP is a