Jawaballs and Fritz broadcast live: Take Two!

Happy New Year! To get it going in style, Jawaballs and Fritz will be broadcasting just about all day on December 30th LIVE! Thats right!

Trying to get back to some sort of normalcy!

"Giants Caroling"David MonetteThe baby has come, the dust is starting to settle. Now to try to return to some sort of normal life! I am a

The Jawa-Baby is here!

Finally I am finding some time to get things done, and one of those things is to announce to the world the arrival of my new baby Jack! He

Bartertown sale post pictures.

Here I am uploading some pics of things from my sale post on Bartertown. There is a lot of stuff available, but here are some pics of some

Jawa-Baby Update and News and notes. Shop Amazon? Throw some of that Amazon love my way! :)

Hey guys, if you are a frequent Amazon shopper, do me a favor. On the right of my blog under the Subscriber section is a new Amazon.com se

jawaballs needs a new logo! A mini jawa-contest.

Hey guys, in an attempt to head off Lucasfilm and their innevitable Cease and Desist for using a jawa in my logo, I am looking for a new of

Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Chaos Marines

Baal Prime:...ssshhkiiitttt... static.... beep beep......"Incoming Transmission"... Forward scouting party reporting in... Sir! We have com

Paint to play or play to paint? Which one are YOU?

When I got into 40k three years ago I was not very good at painting. There were no decent tutorial videos out there (Which I fixed!) and t

Death Company Drop Pod

My current project is to add some unity to my entire army. I have been losing points in painting judging lately because A: My army is not