Jawaballs and Fritz Broadcast Live: Three's Company?

On Sunday February 21 Fritz and I will be doing our third live broadcast! In case you were not one of the 400 people who tuned in last tim

Battle Report: Reader submitted. BA vs Dark Angels

Battle 1500 pts BA vs. Dark Angels capture and control bases.Army listsBADanteCorbuloAssault Squads x 2Rhino x ArmourPW Melta BombTactical

Homeless in the world?

Every once in a while I like to give my opinion on something non 40k related, and regret it every time. But I just have to share this.It i

List Help from Jawaballs

Hey Just been looking at some of your recent GT stuff, i love those death company dreadnoughts. Really nice army. Im entering a local gt i

Jawaballs and Fritz are heading to Scranton PA!

Our next road trip is taking us to the home of Michael Scott and Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, Scranton PA! Fritz's lackey Autarch Andrew

Battle Report: Reader submitted. BA vs Chaos

Here is a batrep submitted by a reader! Please feel free to send me your Blood Angels batreps. This reader based his 1500 list on my "rhin

More stuff to add to the Blood Angels rumor heap!

A reader emailed me with some tidbits he got from a store manager in England concerning Blood Angels romors. Librarian Dreadnought...Angel

Battle Report: Conflict GT game 4 Blood Angels vs IG

You all might remember my rant not long ago about the death of 40k as we know it. Well, I finally got to play against the list I was talki

Incoming Transmision...

Good Ole Doc Railgun chimed in with some emailed questions...+++ Transmission Begins +++O Brother-Captain Jawaballs,I know that you're busy

More Blood Angels info!

Bigred over at Bell of Lost Souls shared this little tidbit with me last night. He posted it up there but I wanted to share it here as wel

Battle Report: Conflict GT game 3 BA vs Orks

This is not much of a battle report. Not because I lost, but because Anthony and I both agreed that the game out right sucked. Kill Point

Batrep: Conflict GT game two. BA vs Kroot Mercs???

So I waited at my table, about 20 minutes, while every one else started playing. Then my opponent arrived. After a quick introduction, he

Batrep: Conflict GT game one. BA vs Dark Eldar

The tournament had a ranking system that placed armies against each other based on composition scores. I had a deservedly low composition

My Conflict GT list!

Some one from Bolter and Chainsword asked me to give the list I used to qualify for the GW National Championships. So I thought I would sha

Vegas Baby! 2011 will be the summer of Blood and Balls... Jawaballs

Jawaballs will be attending the Games-workshop US National GT in the summer of 2011. (I already spoke to the wife... she is coming too.) :

Looking to buy a Jawaballs painted army?

The guy who bought my first commissioned army has come under some financial misfortune and is looking to sell his investment. You can find

The spores are falling!

So GW figured it was time for nids to share the love when it comes to big nasty thumpy things coming out of pods. They gave the world Drop

Let the dreaming/crying begin!

Image from Ron at FTW. Thanks Ron! Orks came out and I squeaked not a word. Nob Bikers ran wild for a bit, but just as quickly disappeared

Need a little help with Blood Angels fluff.

Does any one know if in any of the BA fluff, either ancient or recent, they have given a name to the 2nd company captain? I am painting my

Jawaballs and Fritz live! Special Announcement.

Image used without permission from www.heapsgoodstuff.com I will remove it at request.As you already know, we are broadcasting our next sho

Are you a teckie geek? Jawaballs needs YOU!

Hey folks! I am looking for some tech geek support. Want to make 50 bucks cold hard cash? Here is how!I am attempting to use my Canon Vi

Jawaballs is broadcasting live right now!

5 PM EST Thursday January 7. Come paint with Jawaballs! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/jawaballs-productionsPW: jawaballs1

Just four more days!

Yup, just four more days until the next Jawaballs and Fritz live! If you don't already know, we are broadcasting our next live 40k session

Flame Wars

Image swiped from mobocracy.netWe have all done it. Something ticked us off. We have trolled a forum or thread, reading all the tits and

Jawaballs and Fritz Live!

We did an impromptu broadcast the other day, and at one point had about 400 people tuning in! What an outstanding turnout. Fritz and I go