New Dex is on the way... what do you need to buy to get ready?

I thought a nice article would be to talk about what you may want to buy to prepare for the new Blood Angels dex in April. Here are my tho

Live Jawacast coming up, Wednesday March 3rd!

TENTATIVELYOn Wednesday, March 3rd, at 7pm Eastern Standard Time. (New York City) Google the difference. Jawaballs will be broadcasting a
Captain Lazarus, Lord Mephiston's personal battle barge has entered high orbit... And Commander Dante is with him! By the grace of Sanguini

Reader submitted Batrep: Blood Angels March On!

Here is another reader submitted batrep! Keep em coming. :) Here is another Batrep played yesterday.Battle For the Moon of WiggAssault Mis

Hand Painted full size Blood Angels Chapter Banner

Here is some more pics! And below is the footage of my Warhammer 40k hand painted full size Blood Angels banner.Jawaballs

Reader submitted Batrep: More dead orks!

Here is a reader submitted batrep! Keep em coming guys. Blood Angels vs. Orks 5th Battle in the Ineptius Sector.Blood Angels ListDanteCor

Jawaballs and Fritz broadcast live today! Feb 21, 2010

Yup! The cameras will be rolling around 9am New York time. Google it to find out what time that is for you!

Very long email from a reader!

So I received an email today asking for help from a reader. It turns out he has emailed me before, but did not get a response. He was righ

My name in lights! Well, close enough.

GW has posted the first results for the Indy Tournament Circuit, the qualifiers for the 2011 Invitational in Vegas... Here is a link:Woot!M

Incoming Transmission...

+++ Tranmission Begins +++O Brother-Captain Jawaballs,I dictate this missive this wakefulness-cycle to discuss the foul lies being spread a

The next Jawaballs and Fritz Live Broadcast is here!

This Sunday we will be broadcasting live again. Brother Captain James will be here once again, and Fritz and I will be throwing down. What

For your Blood Angels viewing pleasure.

A reader sent this in from White Dwarf Australia. Nothing new, just thought you would appreciate the picture. Strange how this does not ap

Bolscon, here I go again!

I decided tonight, I will be making the trek to Austin, TX again this year for BOLSCON! So there is your chance west coasters... I will me

Whats new at Jawaballs Productions?

Ok guys, Lots of new stuff to talk about here! First of all, Fritz and I have been preparing for an upcoming tournament on the 27th and ru

Army list help. A reader asks me for advice on his 1500 point list.

Here is an email I got from a reader:Greetings Jawaballs!! Their is an upcoming tournament in my local area and I'm planning on attending.

Attack Bikes... Are they worth it?

So you are almost done building your list. You count up your points and woah, you have 50 left. What to spend them on? How bout a Multi m

Jawaballs paints a full sized Blood Angels Chapter Banner for warhammer 40k

Hey guys, I thought I would share my newest project. I am painting a full sized chapter banner! I started by buying up a lot of red fabric

On the road again... Jawaballs gets thumped hard.

Well, not really. I drove a couple hours out to Scranton, PA this past weekend for a small tournament at Unknown Comics and Games. Fritz

Let the new list writing begin!

Assuming all information to date is correct, I have come up with my first trial assault list for Blood Angels. Time to get back to my origi

Battle Report: Jawaballs BA vs Salamanders

I played a game last night...1850. My three ven dread list with a Vindicator added in.Mission: Kill PointsDeployment: 12" table edgeHe had

Army list help request: Space Wolves?

Here is an email I got:Hey Sir,I wanted to send you this over for a Space Wolf Dread List. I play this in a tournament and will be playing

Jawaballs 1850 list, need help!

Hey guys. So I am going to an 1850 point tournament this weekend and need to add 100 points to my list. So far I have:Captain2 tacticals