Bolscon hype begins!

Love em or hate em, they ran a great event last year! Jwolf and the rest of the BOLS guys got it right. Jwolf dropped the challenge, and w

Saab's Mission Highlight of the Week: Mission #1

Mission # 1 Dawn of ConfusionThis past October (2009), I attended the Da Boyz GT in Rochester, NY. Let me tell you; the decision to attend

Better late than never!

I know it is a little late, but I wanted to tell you about my friend Mike's painting challenge! If you want to show off your new Blood Ange

This week on Jawaballs Live! Brought to you by Army Dice.

This week on Jawaballs Live! I will be giving away free Army Dice! Scott From Army Dice has offered to sponsor my show by providing dice fo

Battle Formations of the Blood Angels

+++ Transmission Begins +++O Brother-Captain Dante,May the Emperor grant this report comes to you at a useful time, but of course there is

Painting the Blood Angels Troop Choices

With the new Codex just two weeks away, I've begun to look at my current Troops squads and their armament. Mostly I've been running three f

Once again, new WD is in stores, but my sub has not come...

I emailed GW with concerns about my White Dwarf subscription about a month ago. The issue is that my WD issues regularly arrive two weeks

What the hell! A little real world ranting about movie tickets...

Ok, enough is enough. Read this! What corporations have to understand is that it is not they who set the ticket prices. It is us. I have b

Jawaballs paints a full sized Blood Angels Chapter Banner: The Final Video

I am trying this new youtube utility.

Not the Same Ol' Song and Dance

I would like to welcome Greg Sabino to my blog! I first met Greg at the Baltimore GT in 2008 when I wound up playing against him, and we

Jawaballs New Blood Angels codex list Alpha!

So I have decided on my first shot at a competitive list. This is by no means definitive, but I'm not worried, for every model will have u

Rulebook study for the new Codex

+++ Transmission Begins +++Though the Blood Angels Codex release is a few weeks away yet, let me direct you to a few bits from the main rul

Jawaballs Live in ONE HOUR!

If you are reading this, then you have one hour to log on for Jawaballs Live!You can find the link here!If it asks for a pass word, it is j

I Wanna Go Fast!- Nob Bikers and Custom Bases.

And finally, here is Rob Baer, the last of my 40k buddies to be brought into the fold. Why? Well, he knows his shiznit. Like him or not, h

Jawaballs Live! Wednesday, March 24.

I know, I know, I messed up last week. I got wrapped up with the baby, and by the time I looked at the clock it was after 8. Sorry! But I

Fifth Edition Thoughts

Hey folks, meet the second of my new guest writers, Docrailgun! He has been a consistent contributer with nice articles and batreps in the

More Storm Raven Progress!

Just thought I would share some more Storm Raven progress. I need to figure out where to mount the guns, and then get the guns to mount...

Gearing up for the new codex! My first Storm Raven

In my opinion, the Storm Raven is the next worst thing to happen to 40k since the Valkrye. But since it is a Blood Angels unit... I LOVE IT

List Help? Here was a quick email asking for new list help.

Hey JawaBalls I'm a BA player in Kentucky MWG forum nake MadMedek. I bet your even more excited about the new BA stuff coming out than I am

Painting a Death Company Dreadnought

Introducing Old Shatter Hands! Jawaballs Productions is proud to announce the first guest writer on The Blood Angels and Warhammer 40k. He

New Blood Angels list!

So I finally got my hands on the points costs and stats for the new Blood Angels. In my opinion, this new book is 100% win! I would be surp

Coming up this week on Jawaballs Live!

Last week over 50 people tuned in for Jawaballs Live. They go to have a go at QnA and I did a nice impromptu painting tutorial for both Re

Help Wanted!

The Blood Angels and Warhammer 40k is looking for another writer! This blog has grown! And I am looking for some one to contribute to it's

Resin Biker Bases are complete!

Here are a few images of my new Industrial Ruin Resin Biker Bases. You can find them at my store, I am workin

Jawaballs Live! What you missed this week.

About 50 people tuned in this week to catch my broadcast! I talked about what I feel are the best brushes to use, as well as the differenc

Don't Forget! Jawaballs Live tonight!

Don't forget to tune in tonight at 6pm EST for Jawaballs Live!Go to my online broadcast station and join the fun. The password to see the v

Early army list ideas!

It is too early for me to be writing lists at this point because I dont know the values. I should be able to do that this weekend. :) But

White Dwarf Delays?

Grr, it is March 9th and I am just now getting my subscription copy of the March White Dwarf with Battle Missions on the cover in the mail.

The weekly Jawaballs show!

Tune in this Wednesday for the weekly Jawaballs show! Every Wednesday at 6pm EST tune in to Jawaballs for painting and tactical Q and A.
Advanced orders are up on the GW site! Time to go take a look and start drooling. I for one am giddy over the prospect of painting an enti

New Dex news! Gamesday news.

I unfortunately don't have much to offer about the new dex that BOLS has not already posted. We all knew that the leak dex was mostly fake

Jawaballs is broadcasting live now!

6:50pm EST 3/3/2010Come on over to and join the fun! The password is jawaballs1I will b

Battle Report: Reader submitted. BA vs Eldar

Ryan has sent me a few batreps, but this one takes the cake! Well written man. Keep em coming!Hey Jawaballs. Here is a Battle report me and