Wolves at the gate

+++Transmission Begins+++ Going off the topic of Blood Angels for a post or two, what is wrong with this list? This is not a rhetorical que

The Sons of Sanguinius go forth once more!

+++ Transmission Begins +++ Greetings, Battle Brothers. Recently I played two battles with my Blood Angels, both at 1500 points. They wer

New Jawaballs Blood Angels!

I finally found my battery charger and am back in blog business.  Sorry for the long delay since my last post!  I will start toda

Jawaballs is selling his army?

Hey folks!  You read right. I'm selling my army. Well, not all of it.  The fact is that I want to buy a house and need a downpaym

Gamesday 2010!

Jawaballs discusses the winning banner with a blog readers dad! The sweet GW girl give JB the loot! Part of my massive backlog bring

Jawaballs review: Nova Open 2010

The Nova Open Drunk Guy. Danny Internets and Ultrabob My Blood Angels on Display Ok ok, I know, it's old news. Sorry!  School just