Heroes of Armageddon Swag!

Hey guys, As Goatboy said, the light at the end of the tunnel is glowing VERY bright. Gale Force 9 sent us this years customized measuri

Heroes of Armageddon crunch time!

Well the team is kicking it into full gear.  Here is a quicky update from my terminators! 3 mostly done. And it is only Tuesday! &n

Rediscovering Angels Part 10: Honor Guard

Hey there folks, it's been a while, but it's me again- Xaereth, from Delusions of Grandeur!  Today I want to talk about Honor Guard an

Still have not donated yet?

How bout some hand painted 3rd company banner sweetness carried by a lightning claw terminator?  CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW! Jawaballs

Weekend Heroes Painting!

Hey Folks!  So here is a shot of the finished Corbulo for the Heroes of Armageddon project!  Tomorrow I will add a shot of the f

Heroes of Armageddon update

So much to do. Lets get going. I will start with the first finished models: Mike from Santa Cruz Warhammer did the Death Company Storm Ra

Quick HoA WIP shot.

Hey folks, I know I promised Nova list talk this week, but with school ending, classroom cleanup, moving Jawaballs Productions back into my