Dawn of the Nova

It is 10pm on Tuesday night. In just over a day and a half, Myself, Fritz, Smurf and his nephew will be packing ourselves into the Smurf-Mo

2nd squad is finished! Close Combat Scouts. And Terminator upgrades!

Pant.. pant.. pant.... I have a huge crink in my back, my arm is numb and my left eye fell out long ago. But Things are coming along! &nbs

Jawaballs Nova Army 2011. 1st squad is finished!

The first squad of my 2011 Nova Open army has rolled off the line tonight. Done, based and ready to fight! I give you Scout Squad Ellis.

NMM Sanguinor and Jawaballs Nova Army WIP video!

Hey folks! So I have been working like mad trying to finish my army for The Nova Open.  My intentions? I want to compete for Best Pai


Fist of all I wanted to share links from the GW website: I won Best Banner at Gamesday and they got it posted up! But they misspelled my n

The dog days of summer?

I'm back from vacation!  But I barely managed to get any thing done while I was away... So here I am, the Dog Days of Summer! Crunch

Funny new blog! My crazy wife.

Hey guys, some of you may remember the blog my wife was writing during her pregnancy. Well that now defunct blog has been replaced with a n

Working Furiously! Sanguinary Priest just about done.

Here is one of my new JP Priests for my new army. Remember this picture is 10x as big as the model. Non Metallic Metal Gold!  My fir