The Conflict GT 2012

Hey guys, So my next big event is coming up in January, The Conflict GT!  Click HERE for tickets. Why should you go to The Conflict?

Eldar Ulthwe, the next Jawa-project

So, I finally decided upon my next major army project. I am putting the finishing touches up on a lingering commission this week, and am cl

The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6

"What's the world coming to sir?" "The world aint coming to nothing son, it's the same as it always was." The opening lines from Hell On

Battle report part one Jawaballs Blood Angels vs Ted Nagle Space Wolves

BAAL PRIME: With a startle, High Priest Corbulo awoke.  He took a moment to gather his thoughts and consolidate his dream, then leape

The Walking Dead Season 2 Episod 6?

WARNING: Spoiler alert. Don't read this article if you have not seen this episode. First thing first.  Once again, I ask that if you

Things I can buy with 33 dollars + tax

33 Mc Double Cheese burgers A box of size 4 Huggies and a box of wipes for the Jawa Baby 6 copies of Madden 2009 A pack of 50 Dunkin

The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 5

This season has become a two headed monster of sorts.  There are two stories going on. The one we all want to see, and the one we are

The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 4

Spoiler blah blah. This movie mad me laugh damn hard! Bring on the MoFo bad ass zombie killer! I was watching Snakes on a Plane and laughi

Mechanicon no go

Unfortunately I have very little to report from Mechanicon. I feel bad because I promised to do interviews with a game developer and a new

The Mechanicon is here!

Yet again The Mechanicon is upon us! Mechanicon has become the GT for the hobbiest. In that I am saying that if you are into the hobby, tha