Alabama CAGE Match banner near completion

Tonight I am uploading some quick pictures of my newest custom banner for The Alabama CAGE Match.  As for progress I am almost don

Alabama CAGE match banner progress

Here are some more WIP pics. This banner has presented a challenge to me.  My seamstress sewed it a bit differently, and as such

Blood Angels Vindicators? 2k list help.

Hey folks, I recently got an email from a reader asking about a list: Hey,I'm relatively new to Warhammer 40K and right from the b

Alabama CAGE Match Banner Commission!

Here are some WIP pics of my banner for the Alabama CAGE Match state wide tournament. Visit the site and if you are an Alabamer, get out to

New Banner Project: Alabama CAGE Match!

Hey folks, my next full sized banner project is a custom one for the Alabama CAGE match. Information about the Alabama CAGE match can be f

Craftworld Ulthwe Eldar: Warlock Mark 1 Part Two

Here are some updated pics of my Warlock Mark 1. The first two are updated ones and the one on the white base is the old on previously

Craftworld Ulthwe Eldar: Warlock Mark I

Here is my first attempt at painting black for my new Craftworld Ulthwe Eldar army!  I got a set of colors called Andrea Color, Black

How to paint Necrons!

I have had this one for a while, but figured I would throw it out here for you!  I have a deluxe How to Paint Necrons video set availa

Craftworld Ulthwe Eldar: Black Guardian Biker, Eldrad, Guardians

Here are a few more WIP pics of my Craftworld Ulthwe Eldar army. Here is an image of my first five Black Guardians.  The one on the

User submitted work!

Brian, an 11 year old from Hong Kong, submitted this poetry. Pretty outstanding. Better than I could do! Thanks Brian! If you want to see y

Eldar Ulthwe: Black Guardians

Here are some quick shots of my Black Guardians. Eldar Craftworld Ulthwe, according to the fluff, mostly employs Guardians to do their figh

Ulthwe army begins!

My first Warlock conversion. Ulthwe is a craftworld known for it's psychic mutants... er gifted users of the warp.  So my army