New Banners!

I have four more banners lined up at the moment with 3 more on the burner. Firstly, I have another Space Wolves chapter banner lined up. E

American Idol!

I admit, my 40k life has been fairly nonexistent lately. So my blogging has taken a back seat. I've been playing SWTOR, and working on bann

Alabama CAGE Match banner done!

Here you go! I finished some highlights on parts I painted previously like the gemstones on the chalice. Then I painted the yellow thu

A Vindicator Retort?

Hi Folks!  A bit ago I posted up about Vindicators and we had some great discussion. Well, I got this email concerning the subject and

Conflict GT incoming!

The Conflict GT is almost here! The time to get involved is running short, (Or may have expired already, however, I bet Aaron could figur