Blood Angels with Allies list building

It is time for me to get back into what I enjoy most about 40k. List building!  The last couple years have seen me shy away from power

The Nova Open

One of the best events in the world, The Nova Open is happening this weekend! Sadly, I will not be able to attend and do shots with Mi

Alrighty, back to work!

School is back in session, and so is my blog time! You may have noticed that my blogging is conspicuously lazy in the summer. That is becau

6th Ed list help!

Hey folks! OK so seeing as how this is an entirely new game, I figured I would reach out to some of you who have no doubt played many more

Blood Angels Siege Force - upcoming tournament list

Here is some more from Doc Railgun! +++ Transmission Begins +++ Greetings, once more. This will be shorter then usual, as it is only a

Feast of Blades Work In Progress!

Hey Folks. Feast of Blades in incoming!  As you know, I am already confirmed for the trip. I found out today that Jim the Stout Smurf