
The big news this weekend was Feast of Blades.  I really wish I could have gone, but frankly, I would probably be stuck in Denver had

Mechanicon List and The Walking Dead

Hey Folks! Mechanicon first. I will be heading over to The Meadowlands tonight and entering The Mechanicon at The Warstore Weekend.  

What army do you choose?

I get this question a lot: (Or some version there of) "jawa what army should i start iam new to painting so what would be the easiet army

Mechanicon next weekend!

Mechanicon is coming up next weekend!  Ted Nagel reminded me about it and if you are free next weekend, and live in the NorthEast, it

No Jawa at Feast of Blades... :(

Life lesson learned. And Larry, no comments from the peanut gallery! I take full responsibility for this one.   I will not be

The Walking Dead: Season 3 premiere

New Bottle of 12 year old Scotch: Check Old recliner taken off a neighbors garbage pile: Check LCD TV newly optimized for HD display: Che

Revolution: Episode 4, Jump the Shark?

Can it be that the show has already jumped the shark? Lets break it down. At the end of episode three they previewed the death of a c

Sad Face and Feast of Blades final list

So I just got an email from an asshole friend, showing me what I will be missing at BFS this year.  Damn you Brandt... It seems Mi

Revolution: Episode 3. An ad by any other name, is still an ad.

I was actually excited to watch last night's episode, and even cut short an online session of Borderlands 2 with my buddies to go watch it!

Battle for Salvation GT!

It is Columbas Day Weekend this week, and that means The Battle For Salvation! The BFS has become one of the prime time GTs in the nor