DaBoyz GT!

Ok Folks, sorry this took so long to get posted, but it has been sitting in queue over at Bell of Lost Souls for quite some time, so I figu

6th edition: A 40k post!

Ok I took some time off from the internet for a bit, but there is lots to talk about! Now that I have had time to digest the rule book, a

More for sale.

Ok folks here is the first wave of pics and prices set to move. I need cash and it is time to sell. Each of these models, except for Crowe

Space Hulk for sale!

Selling it here first! I have two Factory Sealed Space Hulk 3rd edition, plus a full set of Genestealers on sprue, and one full set of the

The Walking Dead... holy crap

HEAVY SPOILER ALERT: Do not read any further if you do not want the episode spoiled. Holy Crap. Ok. Lets start with this

The quiet after the storm

It was a quiet week for me after the storm. It only took three days for my power to come back, but my cable/internet took a whole week to c