GTs coming up!

It is never too late to start planning for upcoming GTs.  Here is a shoutout to my friends over at BOLS and Wargamescon! WAR

Lamenters Storm Raven WIP

More WIP pics of my Lamenters Storm Raven!  I traced a Warmachine base to make the circle, then painted it with multiple layers of gr

Embrace the checks: Lamenters Storm Raven

I had a busy birthday!  Part of my present was a day of peace, during which I went to work on the centerpiece of my new Lamenters

Lamenters Chapter Banner continued

So I posted a pic of my new Lamenters Chapter Banner on Facebook, and none other than the great Dave Taylor popped in and gave some free ad

Lamenters Chapter Banner Bearer

More Work in Progress on my Lamenters! Today I have my Vanguard Veteran standard bearer.  But wait... Vanguard Vets cant have a

Time to give. You can directly help a family who lost a child.

Hey folks, Several people have messaged me asking if I was going to do some sort of charity promotion for the kids at Sandy Hook. I wanted

Moment of pause.

As most of you know, I am a teacher in Connecticut. My school is about 20 miles from Newtown. Sitting here at work today, there is a quiet

Lamenters Vanguard Vet!

Here is one of my Lamenters Vanguard Veteran SGT. WIP!  I need to redo the power sword and bolt pistol, but the armor is mostly com

Something Worthwhile!

I don't manage to check out the greater interwebs often, but every once in a while I come across something sweet.  Today Dave from Min

The Assault Marine Part 2!

Hey guys! So there was a pretty good discussion the other day about Blood Angels assault marines as allies and I wanted to do a continuati

The perfect gaming store?

Hey folks! My friend Justin Zimmerman over at Gamer's Gambit  in Saddlebrook, NJ asked me a question: If you do not min

The Assault Marine

So in the new era of Allies, is there a better ally to take (If you are Imperial of course) than Blood Angels Assault Marines? Or a better

The Walking Dead...

I have missed a couple posts. Mostly this is due to an almost speechless stance!  I just don't know what to say. But lets start