New Zombie book!

Hey all, My good friend David Monette has written his own book about zombies and is attempting to self publish it through Kickstarter. &nb

Army Update: Tau/Eldar

It is about as last minute as you can get. I am preparing my trios army for The Nova. I decided to make some changes after I played in a to

Redemption of the Fallen is here. Win this army!

I will start by letting the pictures speak for themselves. Dark Angels Azrael Dark Angels Tactical Marines Belial, Master o


Here comes the riptide!  Mostly done.  I havn't touched the highlights on the brown yet, and the armor can definitely use m

By request: A post about paints for my Tau

Questions were asked about what paints I used for my Tau I posted yesterday so I figured I would do a pictoral run through of my experienc

For the Greater Good!

I know I know, I have been quiet of late.  It is summer time!  I do most of my blogging from work, and when I am home in the summ