Leviathan Tyranids!

Tyranid Leviathan Brood Lord Deathstorm Hey folks! Merry Christmas. I wanted to share a little WIP I have going on today.

First Blood Angels list design fail!

 My favorite models to convert have always been Sanguinary Priests.  With them being a single model HQ now I d

New Blood Angels!

I am still trying to wrap my head around 7th edition but I have some first thoughts on the new codex! I think it is a great improvement. I

New Blood Angels Incoming!

So from what I just saw the new BA codex is set to drop next week, along with a new BA centered tactical squad.  The rumors have been

It's been quiet

Hi Folks, So I have been extremely quiet of late. I have not been posting to Youtube, doing my live show, or blogging. I just have not bee

Lamenters WIP for Battle for Salvation!

Battle for Salvation is next weekend!  If you have not already signed up, now is your chance. There is less than ten spots left!  

Tournament Report!

WOO I managed to squeeze in a tournament! This was my first action since Templecon in February. Needless to say I was a tad rusty. That, an

Dawn of War?

Hey would any one happen to have MP3s of the Dreadnought and Land Raider quotes from the Dawn of War games? Or be able to rip them for me?

Need a Skyshield!

Hey guys I need a Skyshield Landing Pad ASAP.  On sprue, or assembled and painted. So long as the barriers move. Any one have one for

Gaming fun in CT! and new Lamenters list.

News Flash!  There is an 1850 point tournament coming up on Sunday September 28 at The Battlestandard in Manchester, CT! This ties in

Battle for Salvation

Just bought my ticket for Battle for Salvation!  BFS is one of the biggest and best GTs in the North East!  It is conveniently lo

Shaking off the cobb webs

So painting that Robotech model got my juices flowing and I finally got the gumption to start this! I have had it sitting around for qu

Max Sterling Gencon exclusive

Here is a step by step of what I did to paint my Gencon Max Sterling for Robotech Tactics.  First I assembled using Loctite Ultra Con

Back on the horse!

I has been a long time since I have had motivation to really do something creative for the sake of doing.  Well I have some motivation

Of mice and men

Of men... The men and women with Doctors Without Borders. These people selflessly are on the front lines. War torn areas, natural disaster

Defiance Games Fraud?

Just thought I would share. Last fall I backed a Kickstarter for a company called Defiance Games. The KS was for some fishbowl helmet shape

Going to Gencon?

I am looking for some one who is going to Gencon this year and wants to do me a favor! Email me. Jawaballs hotmail.  :)

Local fun this month?

Looking for something fun and maybe a bit different to do?  The forever lack of a new Blood Angels codex got you down?  Try Shado

NOVA Charitable Army Build

You have to be IN IT TO WIN IT! This year's Nova Open Charitable Foundation army build is turning out to be a scorcher!  I was jus