Lamenters first action

And I forgot my camera!  It's ok though, they were not done yet any way. Every thing is just about done, it all just needs some detail

Late night update

Hey guys. I just wanted to share a quick WIP update on my Lamenters dread with LED lights.  I need to work on the checks more, and

Templecon is upon us!

In just a few weeks I will be traveling to Rhode Island for what is one of the coolest cons I have ever been to. Templecon! With tryin

LED Lamenters Razorback WIP

Here are some more WIP pics! I airbrushed the base coat with Badger Mustard Gas over white primer, then I layed in two layers of Yellow on

Big Lamenters WIP update

Templecon is a few weeks away, SO I have been in paint mode! Here are some pics of my WIP. Keep in mind these are VERY work in progress. &