Shaking off the cobb webs

So painting that Robotech model got my juices flowing and I finally got the gumption to start this! I have had it sitting around for qu

Max Sterling Gencon exclusive

Here is a step by step of what I did to paint my Gencon Max Sterling for Robotech Tactics.  First I assembled using Loctite Ultra Con

Back on the horse!

I has been a long time since I have had motivation to really do something creative for the sake of doing.  Well I have some motivation

Of mice and men

Of men... The men and women with Doctors Without Borders. These people selflessly are on the front lines. War torn areas, natural disaster

Defiance Games Fraud?

Just thought I would share. Last fall I backed a Kickstarter for a company called Defiance Games. The KS was for some fishbowl helmet shape

Going to Gencon?

I am looking for some one who is going to Gencon this year and wants to do me a favor! Email me. Jawaballs hotmail.  :)

Local fun this month?

Looking for something fun and maybe a bit different to do?  The forever lack of a new Blood Angels codex got you down?  Try Shado