Warhammer 40k Blood Angels Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Salamanders

On December 22, 2008 Lord Dante caught word of Vulkan who was excavating some Xenos world for alien technology to improve his twin-linked f

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels: More Puddin Battle Report

Last night I played a 1750 game at the Battle for Salvation against club member Charly. First of all, Charly is a great guy who just had a

Warhammer 40k: Blood Angels, The Proof is in the Puddin

Ok, many things about 5th edition 40k have become clear to me in playing with Fritz and his Saim Hann army. First of all, no matter how ba

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels: Baal Predator Tactics

Ok, well, Blood Angels are known for their fast attack and furious assaults. SO, when answering the questions concerning what sort of armo

Happy Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving every one. :)

Warhammer 40k: Questions

Here is a question from a subscriber to my Youtube videos:Re: Re: Which to choose Well now that im set up i kind of know what army style i

How to Paint Space Marine DVDs now available in Full DVD format.

Now my painting tutorial DVDs are available in a Full DVD format that can be viewed on any Region 1 DVD player on a TV. Find my paypal lin

Battle for Salvation Doubles November 22, 2008

On November 22, 2008, Fritz from Way of Saim Hann and Jawaballs teamed up to enter the Battle for Salvation 40 Doubles Tournament. We had

New Blogs! Check out my two new blogs as I expand to other projects

Yup, you guessed it! I am working on two new projects. Vampire Counts and Iyanden Eldar. Here are the links:Vampire CountsCraftworld Iyan

Grand Tournament Summary

First of all, I want to say I had a great time at the GT and I learned a LOT about the game, most good, some bad. I will be posting a seri

Update from Grand Tournament

Well, it is the morning of day 2 of the Grand Tournament in Baltimore. Friday night, Fritz and I got rocked in the doubles tournament. It

The Greatest Battle of All Time: BA/SH vs Nids/Chaos

So good ole Fitz and I teamed up in our last practice game for the GT doubles tournament last night against our two buds who will also be t

Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Saim Hann Seer Council

So Fritz and I played a game last night. I used my BA GT list, inlcluding my new Speeder and Attack Bike. Fritz used his Saim Hann force

More Blood Angels pics: New land Speeder

Here is my new Speeder! I have to paint the base and the underside of it, I will try to get that done tonight. So Little time! I have ba

Battle Report from DocRailgun

A frequent reader and content submitter played a game and submitted this battle report. Thanks Doc! Great stuff. Keep it coming, and next

Blood Angels at the 2008 Grand Tournament

So as you know I am playing my Blood Angels at the 2008 GT. My list has been posted here and discussed in depth, but I am making a change.

Blood Angels New Pics

More pics! More to come.

Brothers Grim Tournament battle report

October 19, 2008Brothers Grim, Selden, NYAt this tournament I played 3 games, and finished 6 out of 12. The competition was VERY strong.

Takes Qs...Kicks Ass... Question and Answer time.

Hi all. pastiepete from my Youtube subscribers sent me a great question about his army list. I thought I would copy and paste the Q and A

Warhammer 40k: Blood Angels in Action Oct. 19th Brother's Grim

My army has been refitted and upgraded. In my last tournament showing, while the Blood Angels took Best Painted, they got embarrassed on t

Tough decision... Vindicator vs Land Speeder and Attack Bike

I just dont know. I am currently using my vindicator with Storm Bolter in my list for 130 points. For 125 points I can buy a Speeder with

Warhammer 40k: Blood Angels Battle Report, Blood Angels vs Orks

Today I played my 1750 list against an Ork army. He had 3 Defcoptas, Grotsnick in a squad of 30 orks, a squad of commandos with a special

Warhammer 40k: Lifsize Blood Angels 2nd Company Banner

Here is the banner almost complete! I dug up some bones to use as the cross piece... :) All I need to do is a few more highlights on the

Full Blown battle prep.

SO, I am in battle prep mode. My Black Templars are going to go into a holding pattern, and my Iyanden Farseer is going to be completed th

Way of Saim-Hann Eldar Farseer on Jetbike Conversion

This work in progress is my submission for Fritz's Eldar Farseer contest. I imagine the competition is stiff, and I dont expect victory, b

Warhammer 40k: Life size Blood Angels 2nd Company Banner

Here is the banner almost complete. Just need to do the bottom parts and some final details. Look for this banner at the GT!

Warhammer 40k: How to paint Space Wolves

I just finished my most recent "How to Paint" video set. Space Wolves! Hope you enjoy! Jawaballs

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels: Battle Report 'ard boys tournament

Here is a submission from a reader. Check it out! Nice job Kevin.Oh Great anf Mighty Brother Jawaballs,Great site, of course.Below I've ad

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels: Battle Report Blood Angels vs Salamanders

Tonight I played a proxied army of all drop pod Salamanders built using the new SM codex. He had two dreads including an Ironclad, termina