Ok, many things about 5th edition 40k have become clear to me in playing with Fritz and his Saim Hann army. First of all, no matter how badass assaulty I make my Blood Angels, "Generic" marines can do it better and cheaper. Thats a fact. I will not be able to compete in a slugfest with armies made using the new codex, at least until they make some of those options available to the Blood Angels. Who cares if I can field veteran squads as elites. Pedro allows marines to field veterans, with better guns, as TROOPS that can assault out of drop pods. The list goes on and on.
So in the coming months I will be revamping my Blood Angels to deal with this. It is my belief that I can put together a Blood Angels army that can tie or win the majority of its games in 5th edition. Be watching as I update and rebuild my army... again. :)
Bro, as I said, we are 100% onto something here, and with a bit of refinement I think we can start to totally own- BFS doubles tourney proved that. I'm thinking about taking down my Saim-Hann tacical vids so the word doens't get out and used agasint us. Also, I wonder if your readers will get the hint from the pic you posted.
I am not sure if you are being overly dramatic about the new Codex. I do not think any space marine can assault out of a drop pod(vanguard only get heroic intervention with jump packs which means no drop pod) and Sternguard do not count as troops only scoring units with Pedro.(still need 2 normal troop choices)
I stand corrected about choice of words, but it is a matter of wording only, the effects are still the same. Deep striking jump pack vets can home in on Drop Pods and not scatter, then assault, so the result is the same. As far as the troop issue, I am using Troop and Scoring as the same word. Scoring was a better word yes but a Pedro army can take two minimal "troop" choices, then take the rest as heavy hitting "elites" and all of them can score... Elite heavy Blood Angel armies cannot compete.
I have to say the skimmer looks cool and as a unit is really not that expensive and legal for Blood Angels. I am not sure how effective that combination will be with the current weapons/movement rules. I guess you just have to fly really close flat out and then lot them have it next turn. I do think multimelta+ Heavy flamers can be could for general purpose annoyance to either tanks or infantry at a good distance.
Yah you nailed it. It sits back and shoots its missle turn 1, Then takes targets of opportunity 2/3/4, then contests turn 5! It is my new favorite unit in my army.
I'm interested to hear what the idea is...but as I said on Fritz' site, noone will blame you guys for not telling.
Interestingly, you both are radically changing your play style, but weren't your armys' styles different anyway? JB's BAs were (as I remember) based around getting Dante into assault, and Fritz' Riders were mostly long-range shooty, right?
So, I wonder what they style both can use?
I know I've had success with my BAs mostly shooting, with a small characterless assault element to give my opponents something to deal with while I template them to death. My losses have been to fast Orks that I just don't have enough time to kill before they get to me.
Doc, there are some big changes coming down the pike, the question for me is do I keep my way of saim-hann blog, or start a new one for my tactics since they are not 100% saim-hann. Almost any exept orks, necrons, and imperial guard can replicate what I am doing now. Jawaballs new list might even do it better then my current saim-hann buildout.
i wouldnt leave orks out with wazzadakka gutsmek. but you know whats funny... read the wording on the locator beacon. i belive the way it reads anything can deepstrike off it including enemies lol. see if you can make use of that.
I'm new here just passin by and noticed someone else out there noticed that BA's are rediculously under strength now compared to the Codex Astartes Chapters, BA's assault element is lost in comparison to the Vanguards, and Assault Terminators (3+ invul against everything storm shield)
the new command sqd. for Codex: Space Marines also allows them to definately out pace an honour guard for BA's. the only semi-useful units in comparison to the Codex: space marines are the Death Company as always, i like their new set-up and Assault Marines as troops.
They gave what made Blood Angels great everything in the new dex, except for DC and Baal Preds. Ironclads are pretty much better then furioso in every way since they get Frag Grenades... Sooo, it is simply a matter of finding new ways to win.
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