Blood Angels vs Iyanden Eldar Battle Report

''Today I played a 1750 game vs Iyanden Eldar.I used my new standard army list:DanteCorbulo5 man Troop Assault Squad10 man Tactical squad

Blood Angels Codex: Baal Predator

The Baal Predator is a versatile and Useful. With Storm Bolter, Heavy Bolter Side Sponsons and its Assault Cannon, it can unleash 12 shots

Assault on Black Reach! Here are the two models included with White Dwarf.


Blood Angels, Ultramarines, Dark Angels and Black Templars

The first 3 sets are finished and now available on DVD. Black Templars are in progress and almost complete. Simply click the link at the

Blood Angels Required reading! The History of the Blood Angels!

Blood Angels Land Raider

I thought this stuff was pretty cool!

Complete set of Blood Angels videos is now available

Tired of having to search through Youtube to find the videos you want for each step of painting your models? Want to see the videos in Hig

Warhammer 40k: Apocalypse! The Horus Heresy

Feel free to add any input. I plan on adding 3 more minutes to the video showing picturs of the actual fight... keep watching!

Warhammer 40k: New Video, check it out! Its posted at the top of my blog.

Check out my new vid!

Warhammer 40k: Is 5th edition the death of creative modeling?

Peek a boo!Ok, so, the models posed together are logically the same size right? They are both space marine models after all, and are probab

Warhammer 40k Space Marines: New Codex Confirmed Rules

This is copy and pasted from my buddy Fritz at Way of Saim Hann.HQChapter Master- Ws6 Bs5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A4 Ld10 Sv3+- May take a Relic blade

Warhammer 40k Battle for Salvation! Banner Project

I am painting two new full sized banners for a 40k point Appox game coming up this weekend. We are forming this game for the Basement Bash

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels: Battle Report BA vs Salamanders

I took on a generic marine force colored as the salamanders last night. I say generic because a true salamander force would focus on flame

Warhammer 40k How to paint Space Marines: Next in line!

The poll is closed, and the results are in. Dark Angels scored 24 votes, and the next in line was Space Wolves with 12, so there we go! D

Success Stories! Blood Angels how to paint videos success stories!

Here is an assault squad submitted by 0mila58 Here is a pic sent in from one of my youtube subscribers who painted this Blood Angels helmet

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels: Combat Squad Corporal

What happens when a tactical squad is ordered to split into two combat squads and the Sgt. has to leave half of his command in a ruined tow

Warhammer 40k Grey Knight Conversion: Emperor's Champion as a Justicar

Here are some pictures of a Grey Knight Justicar conversion that I did a while back using a Black Templar Emperor's Champion model. Enjoy!

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels: Tactical Squad Sgt.

So here is the Sgt. from my new Tactical Squad. After discussing this with BlackMatt from The Annointed blog, I decided on a blue accent a

Warhammer 40k Ultramarines: How to paint Ultramarines!

Here is video 1 on how to paint Ultramarines. Enjoy!Ive added a pic of the finished Sgt. Now it is just a matter of finding time to upload

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels: Battle Report BA vs GK

Last night I played a Grey Knight army. The army was pretty straightforward and in your face. Sorry I dont have any pics. Forgot to pull

Warhammer 40k: Rules Clarificaton on assault wounds allocation???

Ok, I would love a little clarification here. I think I have it down, just need confirmation. Here is the scenario. Three Grey Knights ar

Warhammer 40k Black Templars: Assault Pods!!!???

Soo, after looking at the Black Templar codex and discussing the issue with my friend. It seems that GW may have missed something OR intent