What happens when a tactical squad is ordered to split into two combat squads and the Sgt. has to leave half of his command in a ruined tower with a Lascannon? Well he puts his second in charge! Here is my Tactical Squad Corporal. He looks a little apprehensive as he watches Sarge run off with half the squad and it's flamer, but I am sure he is up for the task of assigning target priority and helping to zap those tanks. :)
What a great pose. Nice job on the face too.
GOod work. One of the nicest faces I've seen on a mini.
So you went with the helmet after all. Next up has to be the guy throwing the grenade/maelta bomb we talked about.
Wow thanks guys! Yah Fritz, I liked the helmet. I almost had him throwing dice though... For the face I did Black, then Dark Flesh, then Dwarf Flesh, Then Bronzed Flesh, then Elf FLesh. Didnt even ink... :)
I have to say that I really like the pose here, to be honest I used it as inspiration for one I am doing...
Thats cool man. I put this up to help inspire. Glad you liked. Send pics!
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