www.jawaballsproductions.com Here is my new list video!

And dont forget to check out my new E-store for my How to Paint videos and Scenic Resin Bases!

Baal Predator update

If you were following the progress of my new Baal Predator, here is an updated pic! Enjoy.

Tactics: Army List 1750

So, my new list is as follows:DanteCorbuloAssault Squad OneRhinoExtra armorAssault Squad TwoRhinoExtra ArmorAssault Squad ThreeRhinoExtra A

Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Ultramarines by James

So yesterday I finally got in a game against James and his Ultramarines. I want to begin this batrep by saying that James and I bicker ove

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels: Baal Predator hand painting for Golden Daemon

Here is a Baal Predator I am painting for an addition to my army. I decided to add 2 more Baal Preds, and drop a Furioso Dread and the Vind

Samples from a happy customer!

Here are some Blood Angels models painted by a brand new 40k player using my videos! He bought the Black Reach box set, and my How to Pain

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels How to Paint Videos really work!

Here is another pic from a customer who loved my videos! He bought my "How to Paint Blood Angels" video set and painted these scouts.

Warhammer 40k: www.jawaballsproductions.com presents Mike Cho

Here is a link to a new blog by a buddy of mine Mike Cho. http://micho-bp40k.blogspot.com/ Go check him out! He is a Golden Daemon winne

www.JawaballsProductions.com is now live!

My apologies for not being very active on the posting the last couple weeks, but I have been working on a new E-store! Thats right, www.ja