The death of 40k as we know it?

Ok, I don't usually rant or complain about the game. I love playing and painting and have enjoyed the challenge of trying to turn the Blood

Mechanicon here we come!

Fritz and I have decided to make our next major road trip Mechanicon! Here is the deal. Saturday November 7th and 8th there is a new Gran

Jawaballs Painting Contest!

Hey guys, just wanted to throw a quick update and a big fat thanks to They contributed some prize support for my contest.

Fun Facts.

Some one emailed me this, Ive seen it before but still chuckled. Im sure most of you have seen it too, and will still chuckle. Enjoy.If yo

I updated the Army Comparison Project.

I did a cumulative update on the Army Comparison Project which is stickied at the top of my blog. I added Tau, IG and Eldar, as well as ro

Mail Call! New Blood Angels player

I get a lot of these emails and I wish I could respond to them all. Dino here did a nice job flattering me, as well as coming up with some

Battle Report: Jawaballs Blood Angels vs Tampa James Necrons 1850

On my recent trip to Tampa for Staff Development I had the pleasure to get in a couple of 40k games at Armada Games. Tampa James, a blog fo

Better late then never!

I plan on getting some Batreps up here eventually, SO MUCH to do! I'm a busy Jawa. Here is a little note from Dave over at Brothers Grim

More commissions over at my commission blog!

Here is the link to my commission blog if you are interested in following my commission work, or ordering one of your own. The Jawaballs C

Yahoo! Blah.

Does any one use Yahoo as their home page? I have had it set as my homepage for years since my main email account is a yahoo account. But

New Jaballs Lists

Just like the game, my lists are ever evolving. In this most recent draft, I am addressing my weakness of tank killing pop. I dropped my

First Jawaballs Contest update! Great News! All participants please read.

Guys involved with my painting contest, check back often for updates. I just wanted to take a moment to summarize some of the comments and

Painted Models now for sale at

By popular demand, I have decided to offer painted models for sale on my estore! The first one to go up is a converted Assault Chaplain!

Hello from Tampa!

I hope this picture doesnt pull an Arc of the Covenant effect like in Raiders of the Lost Arc!Woops, hit send there without writing any thi

Battle Report: Brothers Grim Charity Tournament.

Today I played in the Brothers Grim Charity Tournament for Big Brothers Big Sistsers of Long Island. It will be a while before I get any v

The first Jawaballs painting contest!

Ok folks, here it is. My first contest! As I promised in August, I will be running a painting contest. Also as I promised, this first on

Jawaballs goes to Tampa.

Armada Games10910 N 56th St Tampa, FL 33617 Ok folks, I know I mentioned this before and got some interest, so I wanted to announce my pl

Army Comparison: What makes an army better? A community project with beginners in mind.

Here is an ice post to help noobies who are looking for good starting 40k info. While it is intended for beginners, I'm sure vets will have

Just in: GW delivers Hard Boys loot to Lance Cooper

So, not long ago Lance Cooper, who was a second round Hard Boys winner, emailed me his list and other relavent Hard Boys info, along with s

How to paint Power Swords, step by step.

I am going to attempt to insert these pictures where I want them. We shall see if this works.Here is how to do a quick and easy Power Swor

Battle Report: Jawaballs vs Jwolf!

Ok, I finally have some time. I will add pics later.So despite the hectic atmosphere of Bolscon, jwolf was gracious enough to make some ti

More about sportsmanship: Are you being too good a sport?

Here is the scenario:It is a major tournament. Here comes game one of round two. You find your self matched up against a surly looking, b

How to win 40K Tournaments: Pay attention to the objectives!

At Bolscon I managed to do fairly well, and only won ONE game! I don't know where I ended up, but I think I was in the top 12 or so. I en

Still More Bolscon!

My batreps are coming up soon, I'm sorry it has taken so long but school started back up and I had to move this week. Here is some behind