Armada Games
10910 N 56th St
Tampa, FL 33617
Ok folks, I know I mentioned this before and got some interest, so I wanted to announce my plans for my visit to the Tampa area. First of all, I am there on business, getting training for a new Education initiative. But I have gotten permission from my boss to use my free time as I see fit!
I have decided to schedule some gaming at a local store, to give lots of people the opportunity to stop in and say hello, rather then a specific club. I will be at Armada Games on Monday, September 14th from 6:30 to 11:00 PM. I have a game scheduled, but would like to try to get in another. I am bringing my Mechanicon 1850 tournament army, so if you want to get a game, post it up here and we can schedule it in!
I am not sure if I will be able to come out and play on Tuesday as well, my Hotel is actually quite far from Tampa plus I might just want to take in the Florida sights being a damn Yankee and all. So I am keeping the evening open. We will play it by ear!
There you go! If you want a chance to meet and play against Jawaballs, stop on in! Or if you would like to get some painting feedback on your models, or pick my brain on tactics, I would love to lend a hand. If Armada Games lets me, I will have some videos and bases on hand for sale. Hopefully I will see a few of you there!
Damn, wish I was in the Tampa area. Or there was anything of interest in the Mid-West that would ever draw your attention here, haha.
I have considered that convention in Indiana. But that is not really the mid west. Sadly my traveling days will be severely limited come December!
what is your mechicon list
I have not completely decided yet, but I am taking my standard 1750 list, dropping an assault squad in rhino, and filling out the points with Attack Bikes and speeders. Or I might just go with my standard list which is very strong at 1750, plus 2 attack bikes.
Okay, here's the scoop:
Armada has great prices and nice players. The store is small, and they are overridden with Magic: The Gathering games at all times. The players aren't very hardcore, and the armies range from "really cool all Tzeentch CSM" to "Crimson Fists with tits painted on all of them, but to be fair they're skillfully done." The tables are HORRIBLE. They're hard and glossy, and it's impossible to roll a die on them unless they're covered in felt, which makes it impossible to stand miniatures on them.
I recommend taking the time to come out to Orlando to visit one of the 3 primary stores out there:
1. Colosseum of Comics (Kissimmee) - Fluffy armies, fantastic tables and terrain, not too challenging environment
2. Sci-Fi City (Orlando) - HUGE store, a big mix, a million tables, Golden Daemon armies on display, some really AWESOME players as well as some really TERRIBLE players
3. Rhubarb Games (Winter Park) - Smaller than Armada, good tables (but not as good as CoC), consistently sends players to nationals (and they consistently come back winners), likely the toughest crowd in the state
If you're interested, I could give you the grand tour of these places. Orlando is a 90+ minute drive east of Tampa, though.
in my opinion jawa attack bikes are better than speeders now you know for tank hunting i would love to playtest my mechicon list against yours sometime
In the very limited time I have left to plan, for the very limited time I have to play with, Armada is the plan. If I had time, I would love to tour all of Florida! But alas, this is a work trip where I will fill a few hours of free time with gaming. Maybe Fritz and I can make a trip at some other point to check out Orlando!
And absolutely Andrew. You are right about the bikes. Mostly because they can move 12", shoot their multi melta and rapid fire bolter, then assault!
I am thinking of going with 5 MM bikes. Used together, that will make them effective anti tank and anti troop... nothing like rolling up on a marine squad, hitting them with 5 melta and 10 bolter shots, then assaulting them! That will leave me the point to put dozer blades on all my rhinos! :)
Best of luck to you getting games in on your trip to Tampa. How many of your crew will be at Mechanicon? I will be in attendance as well, just need to pick an army to play still.
as of now I dont think any one that I know plans on mechanicon except Fritz.
Bring the gals down to Florida to hit the beaches up and we can go play some games and then visit Disney Land!
Although this current trip sounds weird, no Fritz AND Jawaballs is like eating a ham and cheese sandwitch without the ham...
So you're calling me cheeze? And the family vacation is a great idea... except I'm not so sure you want your wife mingling with my fiance and baby... I'm telling you, the preggar bug is a plague.
Totally could work though. We can send the ladies to the Magic Kingdom, and go play 40k... I bet they would love that... Hmm....
arent attack bikes with multi-meltas cheapter 2
you're welcome in indy any time. i can give you a grand tour if you're out this way.
Haha, oh, well I actually do live in Indiana, 40 minutes from Indianapolis. I don't consider it the mid-west really, but outsiders do most of the time. There's no official GW shops in all of Indiana, but luckily the LGS in my town has Friday-Night-40k every week, so there's a base of operations for my friends and I.
Hey jawaballs!!! Your videos are amazing and are the very reason that i got back into 40k. Kepp up the great work!!! I was just wondering if you or even Frits could make a video on painting necrons. Thanks!
I just bought a necron warrior box set for that very reason, I plan on making this a 3 part tutorial that shows standard metalic, bone, and something funky. And thanks!
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