Dear Transports: Learn your place.

Hey there folks, Xaereth from Delusions of Grandeur here once again, after a slight absence.  Today I want to talk about something rel

Black Templars High Marshal Helbrecht Banner!

Transmission to Black Templars main fleet: Menial Artisan: "Inform the High Marshal, his banner is ready..." Helbrec

Product Review: The Ranger army transport by Outrider Hobbies

Hey folks, Here I am with another product review. This time I am reviewing a new army transport, the Outrider Hobbies Ranger!  

Space Wolves Banner Finished

Here it is! The sons of Russ would be proud! For scale I had a shot taken of me standing next to it. And look what is coming next!

Ultramaine Dreadnought Giveaway

In celebration of the launch of his new blog, Jim the Stout Smurf from is launching his first g

Quicky Space Wolves Banner Update

Not much to say here. Just wanted to give you a quicky update on the Space Wolves Banner. It will be done tomorrow!  I need to do th

Banner WIP update.

Here are some WIP pics of my two current banner projects. The Space Wolves banner has taken a big lead. The first pic is it's curren

New Blog! The Stout Smurf. My noobzor buddy Jim started a blog to chronicle his journey.

Inspired by the success of my blog, my friend Jim, who uses the moniker The Stout Gnome in his other gaming circles has decided to start up

The Dark Eldar Deployment: From Portals to Raiders How to Properly Play Dark Eldar

Hey all, Kevinmcd28 here again to talk about my new love and joy, Dark Eldar. If you listen to the 11th Company podcast or have been to a

Valentines Day Massacre footage

Hey folks, I never got around to doing a writeup for the Valentines Day Massacre. Mostly because I had so little footage, it was already