Come on 6th!

First of all, am I the only one who is happy as a pig in shit about 6th ed?  40k has become so stale for me personally that I just can

Battle Report: Jawaballs vs Fritz!

Last week Fritz and I got in a couple games so I could practice for a tournament. Here you go! Youtube video format. Sorry no time to wr

Going Live in an hour!

IN my last post I put March, meant today. :)  We are going live in one hour.

Jawaballs Live! Saturday May 19

I know, it's been a while, but Fritz is coming over tomorrow and we plan on doing some Jawaballs Live!  We are going to be play testin

FTW Games here we come!

So Fritz and I are on our way down to visit Rob Baer and his gaming store FTW Games! Rob is the owner of his brick and mortar store, as wel

Big banner order out the door!

I finally finished the banner order for Dropzone Games, a new store opening in Maryland very soon. More details to come on that asap, but f

Selling stuff off!

Hey folks! Ok trying to raise money again. So I am selling off a bunch of factory sealed goodies this time. Every thing 20% off GW Retail

Another one out the door!

Here is a custom banner for a client. His chapter is called the Lions of Harlech. This is a customized banner for his army. Af

Pickup Games: When do you bow out?

Hey folks, Ok, so you have all had this situation, or at least know some one who has.  You go to a LGS and end up in a pickup game ag