Revolution? It's on... er... off...

Two episodes in, and I have a whole side of beef. I would have thought that the survivors would have broken down  this amusement

WarTV broadcasting Live Tuesday Sept. 18 9AM

Sorry for the late notice! Jim and I are off tomorrow so we will be broadcasting a live game starting at 9am EST.  We will be testing

WarTV this Tuesday!

Jim and I are getting together to play test our lists for Feast of Blades this Tuesday.  Check back for the actual start time.  I

A new gaming company? Lets show em some support!

Hey guys, I originally wrote this up for BOLS but it seems the posting schedule will not let this get up in time for the end of the Kickst

Full sized banners!

The FTW Games Death Company banner on my work table. Rob Baer from Spikey Bits/FTW Games proudly displaying his investment! S

FAQ Update!

So it seems that the updated FAQ answers the Dante question, and the Glaive Encarmine! Dante's weapon is indeed a Power Axe with the M

Looking for Metal Sniper Scouts!

Hey guys, I am looking for old metal sniper scouts!  I believe there were 4 sculpts. I have the one kneeling, loading his gun. Does an

Lamenters list evolution

Hey guys! So I have been sitting around with Army Builder and looking at my Lamenters list and trying to figure out how to make them compe

Fall Entertainment!

This fall is gearing up to be a sweet time for those of us interested in movies and TV!  TV First. I had a lot of fun writing my

Who wants Chaos???

So I currently have a set of Dark Vengeance Chaos models available for trade. Possibly two. I am looking for the Dark Angels models of cour