Hand Painted Banner Goodness

Hi folks! So I finished two more custom hand painted banners!  The first one is a banner for the Gaunts Ghosts. The ma

Sharing pics!

One of the things I always loved was receiving images of work from readers and viewers that I inspired. One such reader, named Jody Nolan s

Going Live NOW NOW NOW!

My live show is starting in just a few minutes! Check it out. I will be demonstrating how to paint hazard lines on a drop pod, doing sl

On tonight's live show!

Tonight I am working on my drop pods and will demonstrate how to do the hazard lines on the edges of the doors!  I will also be delvin

Dread Shed list!

Hey guys, Don't forget I moved my live show to Monday nights. I will be going on air tonight at 7pm EST. Tonight I will be discussing a

Help a battle brutha out!

Hey guys! Help me out with a rules question. Last year when I was building my list I planned to build using Shield of Baal.  I was lo

Jawaballs Live is Back!

Hey folks! I am back on track with doing my live shows!  After some trial and error I am back to doing my shows on Monday nights at

New Blood Angels Stuff?

Perhaps my absence has kept me out of the loop of what is coming soon but I was looking around this morning and came across these preorders
Hey guys! I just wanted to give you a heads up that today I will be doing my first live broadcast in about two years.  I am back in th

The Void Stirs!

No, it is NOT whispers from the Void. It is Jawaballs!  Coming back from the dead? Perhaps... After many years of struggling I hav

New Video Log and Painting Tutorial

Hi guys! Today I am sharing recent video uploads from my Youtube channel.  First I have my full HD How to Paint Khador part one. &nbs

Missed it!

So if you have followed me for the last ten years you would know that I love the unique marines.   Well I missed the Imperial marine

More banners, now smaller scale!

I took an order for some new banners, but at a smaller size. The customer wanted them to fit in his restricted space in his basement, so I

Nid Advice and LOL Prices!

Hi all!  I have been out of 40k and painting for over a year. One of the last things I painted before I fell off  the map was th

Newest hand painted banner!

This banner commission was for a home brew chapter called The Knights of the Golden Panda.  He created his own Blood Angels successor

Ultramarines Chapter Banner!

Here is my newest hand made Ultramarines Chapter Banner! Ultramarines Chapter Banner This is the second time I have done this one. &nb

Greenman Designs Kickstarter Images

Here are pictures of the first wave of rewards I received from the Greenman Designs Xwing template kickstarter.  I will write a revie