Jawaballs joins something special. Come win an army!

NEW TEXT FOR ORIGINAL POST Well here it is, "The Great Storm Wardens Project" We have gotten so much out of this hobby and our blogs that

This week on Jawaballs Live!

Tonight on Jawaballs Live! I will be putting some finishing touches on my Space Hulk Terminator Librarian. and working on finishing up th

Blood Angels Unit Review: Assault Terminators

Today I want to talk about Blood Angels Terminators, more specifically, Assault Terminators.  The most glaring and stupid failure

Tonight on Jawabals Live!

Tonight on Jawaballs Live I will be talking about my experience at Hard Boys over the weekend, as well as working on some Blood Angels T

Hard Boys round one report!

This weekend I attended my first Hard Boys tournament.  I drove out to Uknown Comics and Games in Scranton, PA.  Why did I driv

Hidden Images in the Blood Angels Codex Cover?

I was looking at the Blood Angels codex today and noticed something very interesting. If you look really close, you can see a hidden imag

List testing against great opponents

Blood Angels Honor Guard by Jawaballs More from DocRailgun. +++ Transmission Begins +++ Recently I played a couple of great games at Towe

Grey Knight Rumors: Incoming Storm Raven!

Based on reliable sources, the Storm Raven will be making it's debut this September, along with plastic GK terminators and a plethora of

To build a Hard Boys list.

I have been working furiously the last couple of weeks putting together a list for Hard Boys. This is the first time I will be entering th

Time to remake my blogroll. I want your URL!

I lost my blogroll, so I need to input all of those URLs again. Can you guys help me out? Comment to this post if you previously had, or w

Collegio Librarium - The BA's Seer Council?

Here is a little fun from Doc Railgun! +++ Tranmission Begins +++ I was planning out some Apocalypse lists, and I had intended to add som

Work in progress, hand painted Dark Angels Chapter Banner

Here is a WIP pic of my newest Hand Painted Full Sized banner. I will be writing up a step by step summary when it is finished. Enjoy! J

Blood Angels Tactics: The 12" AssCan.

Image credit goes to Ron at From The Warp. Thanks Ron for the volume of fantastic stuff you put into the interwebs. After the Sanguinary P

Black Templars banner!

Here is my black templars banner. This is a test post for new blog template featured post widget.Jawaballs

New project work in progress!

First of all, don't forget to catch my weekly live broadcast tonight on ustream! I wanted to share a few pictures of work in progress. Firs

Ugh, playing with new layout...

Patience please! I am in the process of reformating my blog. :)

Cover save madness?

In a recent game against a good player and very nice guy, I encountered an issue with cover saves. I thought I would open it up to discuss

Blood Angels Tactics: Sanguinary Priest

One of the biggest upgrades in the new codex is the Sanguinary Priest. 65 points buys you an even better sergeant for your squad packing an