New full sized banner: Space Wolves Chapter Banner!

Here is another Space Wolves Chapter Banner I am doing full sized. It's time to pump this one out!  While I wait for another black b

The Walking Dead Season Two: Season Finale

As you guys know, I have been writing these for the better part of two seasons, and religiously every week for season two.  I have alw

Hand Painted Banner. Word Bearers Pre Heresy!

Here is the mostly finished next addition to my hand painted banner service.  The Word Bearers chapter Banner. This is one o

GK list building?

Ok folks, lets open this up to the world.  I am looking for some input on my Grey Knights list.  First of all, I decided to do my

Feast of Blades: Here I come! Lock and load baby.

It's official! I booked my ticket today. Feast of Blades Here I come! What is Feast of Blades? In case you didn't know, it is shaping u

Jawa Grey: Grey Knight Terminator

Yes, it still needs some work. But here is a mostly finished terminator done in my new Jawa Grey style. I decided to jump to the actual mo

The Walking Dead Season two Ep 13

So as to avoid blog roll spoilers, I opened up with this pic of Shane at Rick's side in the hospital.   But really, this is the

The Walking Dead Season Two Part Two, Episode 4.

Whoops accidentally posted this on BOLS! Sorry larry. I am trying to get these out faster than right before the next episode! So this we

Next Banner WIP!

What is my next banner? Word Bearers! A soon to be opened gaming store has commissioned a group of banners from me which I consider a great

The Walking Dead Season Two, Part Two, Episode 3

Holy cost cutting batman!  I'm starting to notice that the more zombies that show up in TWD, the less cast members we see.  This

19 Legion Raven Guard Chapter Banner!

So the guys over at 19th Legion ended up buying this Raven Guard chapter banner. It was a perfect fit for them!  At their request, I a